John A. Watlington
S.B., Electrical Engineering
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1987
Master of Science
at the
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
September 1989
© Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1989
All Rights reserved.
The introduction of digital video to the personal computer has generated interest in the integration of image sequences into the user interface. Traditional means of representing an image sequence lack the manipulability desired, requiring that an alternative approach be taken. Previous work in the field of computer graphics and videodisc applications suggest synthetic movies as the solution. A synthetic movie is a movie which is composed as it is viewed, from a description of the movie.
This thesis discusses synthetic movies and their application to the user interface of the personal workstation. An example application, Video Finger, is presented. Video Finger uses a synthetic movie to convey information about other people sharing the computer workspace.
The work reported herein was funded in part by a contract from CPW Technologies.
Thesis Supervisor: Andrew Lippman
Lecturer, Associate Director, MIT Media Laboratory