Massachusetts Institute of Technology -- Cambridge, MA
- Bachelor Students Graduated
- Ali Ghajarnia, June 2007, "Facial Feature Tracking
with Tensors"
- Felix O. Santiago, February 2006, "Human Motion
Synthesis", fxo33@mit.edu.
- Undergraduate Research Opportunity Projects
- Marjorie Cheng, Fall 2005
- Jiwon Kim, Fall 2005
- Fan Yang, Spring 2006
- Alan Browning, Spring 2006
NYU, Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences
-- New York, NY
- Independent Studies
- Svetlana Stenchikova, MS candidate - "Realtime
TensorTextures Rendering"
- Steven Gutstein, PhD candidate - "Motion Capture Data
- Zhihua Wang, PhD candidate - "Motion Capture Data
- Tonislav Ivanov, Stuyvesant high school senior -
"TensorFaces: A Multilinear Model for Computerized Face Recognition and Image Processing"
, winner
Intel Foundation Achievement
Award, Intel
International Science and Engineering Fair, and other science fair awards.