Dr. Ayush Bhandari
Associate Professor/Sr. Lecturer (UK)Inverse Problems • Computational Sensing • Applied Mathematics

Office 802
Communications & Signal Processing Group
Department of Electrical and Electronic Engg.
Imperial College London, London SW7-2AZ
Official:   a.bhandari \(\alpha\tau\) ic.ac.uk
Personal: ayush \(\alpha\tau\) alum.mit.edu
Phone: +44 (0) 20 759 46233
Research Interests
Areas: Inverse Problems | Signal Processing | Computational Sensing and Imaging
Applications: Scientific Imaging (3D, bio, medical etc.) | Novel Sensors | Internet-of-things
Recent History
2018 | PhD, Massachusetts Institute of Technology |
2018 | Assistant Professor (Lecturer), Imperial College London |
2019 | August-Wilhelm Scheer Visiting Professor, Department of Mathematics, Technical University of Munich |
2019 | UKRI Future Leaders Fellow [Link] |
2022 | Associate Professor (Sr. Lecturer), Imperial College London |
Biographical Sketch
Ayush Bhandari received the Ph.D. degree from Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), Cambridge, MA, USA, in 2018, for his work on computational sensing and imaging which, in part, led to the co-authored open-access book Computational Imaging in MIT Press (2022). He is currently a faculty member with the Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Imperial College London, U. K. He has held research positions at INRIA (Rennes), France, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore, the Chinese University of Hong Kong and Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL), Switzerland among other institutes. He was appointed the August–Wilhelm Scheer Visiting Professor (Department of Mathematics), in 2019 by the Technical University of Munich.
His tutorials have been featured at various venues, including ACM SIGGRAPH (2014, 2015), IEEE ICCV (2015), SPCOM (2024), and EUSIPCO (2024). He was the keynote speaker at venues including 2023 Intl. Symposium on Computational Sensing (ISCS), 2021 IEEE CVPR (Workshop on Computational Cameras and Displays), 2021 SPIE Photonics West (AI and Optical Data Sciences track), and 2018 CoSeRa (Intl. Workshop on Compressed Sensing applied to Radar, Multimodal Sensing and Imaging). Some aspects of his work have led to new sensing and imaging modalities which have been widely covered in press and media (e.g. BBC news). Applied aspects of his research have led to more than 10 US patents. His scientific contributions have led to numerous prizes, most recently, the Best Paper Award at IEEE ICCP 2020 (Intl. Conf. on Computational Photography) and the Best Student Paper Award (senior co-author) at IEEE ICASSP 2019 (Intl. Conf. on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing). In 2020, his doctoral work was awarded the IEEE Best PhD Dissertation Award from the Signal Processing Society. In 2021, he received the President's Medal for Outstanding Early Career Researcher at Imperial College London. In 2023, he was the recipient of the Frontiers of Science Award at the International Congress of Basic Science (ICBS) for pioneering the Unlimited Sensing Framework. In 2024, he was awarded the ERC Starting Grant for his work on computational sensing.