Day 38 - Multivariate profiles

Last time we talked about how to compute a clustering using Ward's method or single-link. However, computation is the easy part. The difficulty is interpreting the clustering. Projection is useful to get an idea of cluster shape and the main axes of variation. To see how the clusters differ from each other in detail, other visualizations are needed.

If the clustering comes from Ward's method, we know that the clusters will be roughly spherical, so we can summarize them by their mean and reduce the problem to comparing cluster means. Two visualizations which are well-suited to this task are the star plot and parallel-coordinates plot.

Star plot

For example, here are the medians of the five car clusters from day37:
> sx <- scale(x)
> hc <- hclust(dist(sx)^2,method="ward")
> x$cluster <- factor(cutree(hc,k=5))
> prototypes(x)
  Price MPG.highway EngineSize Horsepower Passengers Length
1  15.9        30.0        2.2        128        5.0    181
2  26.1        26.0        3.5        180        5.0    199
3  19.3        22.5        3.0        153        7.0    187
4  32.5        25.0        3.0        300        2.0    179
5   9.9        33.5        1.5         90        4.5    169
  Wheelbase Width Weight
1     103.0    68          39   2890
2     110.0    73          42   3525
3     111.5    73          42   3735
4      96.0    72          40   3380
5      97.0    66          35   2310
We need a display which lets us compare these five rows on every dimension. In a star plot, each row gets one "star" showing its values on all dimensions. The values are represented by the radius of the star at various angles. If the data frame has a cluster variable, the command star.plot will automatically compute cluster prototypes and plot them:

The clusters, starting from 1, can be interpreted as "midsize", "luxury", "minivan", "sporty", and "compact". Hence we will name them such:
levels(x$cluster) <- c("midsize","luxury","minivan","sporty","compact")
You can also make a star plot of the cars themselves (figure omitted):
x$cluster <- NULL

Notice that the rows have been reordered in the star plot so that similar stars are close together. This is makes it a lot easier to read the plot, especially when there are lots of stars. How does star.plot do this? The trick is to use PCA projection. By projecting the multivariate data onto one dimension, we automatically get an ordering in which similar points are close together. star.plot sorts the points according to their 1D PCA projection. It also uses the coefficients of the projection to sort the variables, so that correlated variables are close together on the circle.

Parallel-coordinates plot

The star plot is good at showing gross changes between clusters. It is not so good at showing consistent trends. For this we can use the parallel-coordinates plot. In this plot, the coordinate axes are placed parallel to each other, and each data point is represented by a curve connecting them. An important question is how to scale the axes so that their values are comparable.

Most packages use what I call the "box" scaling, where each variable is scaled to the range [0,1]. Here is what it looks like on the car clusters:


The variables are ordered the same way as the star plot: MPG.highway Passengers Horsepower Wheelbase Price Length EngineSize Weight Width. Reading this plot is difficult because there are many wiggles and intersections.

An alternative approach is to scale the variables in such a way that the profiles are as linear as possible. Mathematically, we want the approximate equation

xij*sj = ai + bi*vj
where xij is the data, sj is the scale of variable j, (bi,ai) is the slope and intercept of the line for row i, and vj is the horizontal position of variable j. The best choice of (s,a,b,v) is found by singular value decomposition. When we scale the variables by sj and position them according to vj, we get the following plot:

The ordering of the variables is Passengers Wheelbase Length Weight -MPG.highway Width EngineSize Price Horsepower. Notice how the highly correlated variables relating to size have been bunched together, reducing the complexity of the plot. The scale for MPG.highway is negative, which means the vertical ordering on that variable has been reversed. The label has been changed to -MPG.highway to reflect this. We can think of it as measuring fuel consumption instead of fuel efficiency. Reversing variables is very useful for reducing the number of line crossings.

From this plot, a great deal of structure is revealed. As you move from compact to midsize to luxury and minivan, all car attributes increase, except for the number of passengers which doesn't change between midsize and luxury but changes greatly for minivans. Sporty cars buck this trend: they have the highest values for price and horsepower, yet the smallest number of passengers. They have the of a midsize, yet the wheelbase of a compact. To get more detail, we can remove the Passengers variable:


Luxury cars have low relative to their wheelbase, which explains the second-order effect found on day20.


Here is a star plot and parallel-coordinate plot of the States clusters, which I have crudely named "South", "Central", "West", and "North":
sx <- scale(x)
hc <- hclust(dist(sx)^2,method="ward")
x$cluster <- factor(cutree(hc,k=4))
levels(x$cluster) <- c("South","Central","West","North")

In the parallel-coordinate plot, the variable ordering is Frost -Illiteracy -Homocide Life.Exp Income HS.Grad. Illiteracy and Homocide were automatically reversed. Consequently, all variables encode something "positive" about people's behavior, which seems to correlate with Frost. But, as in the car data, there is a cluster which bucks the trend: the "West" states, which include California, Arizona, Hawaii, and Florida, have the lowest Frost but highest Income and HS.Grad.


Functions introduced in this lecture:


Market-basket clustering using Jaccard distance:
Tom Minka
Last modified: Tue Dec 04 13:18:56 Eastern Standard Time 2001