Teaching Assistants:
Fang Chen
Lectures: Monday and Wednesday, 12:30-1:20, Doherty Hall 2105
Computer labs: Tuesday, 12:30-1:20, Wean Hall 5202
Office hour: Thursday, 4:30-5:30, OSC 219
Date | Topic |
1/13 | The history and science of visualization |
1/15 | Histograms, modes, and outliers |
1/22 | Kernel density, jitterplot, histodot plot |
1/27 | Q-Q plot, density difference, density ditch |
1/29 | Normal Q-Q plot, basic R programming |
2/3 | Pies, bars, dots, and area charts |
2/5 | Principles of visual encoding and connection |
2/10 | Scatterplots and clutter |
2/12 | Prediction curves and aspect ratio |
2/19 | Time-series plots, superposition, growth chart |
2/24 | Time-series cycle plots |
2/26 | Rate of change plots |
3/3 | Three-dimension plots |
3/5 | Prediction surfaces, slicing |
3/10 | Contour plots, history |
3/12 | Interpreting contour plots |
3/17 | Map projections |
3/19 | Statistical maps |
3/31 | Color science and color perception |
4/7 | Map smoothing |
4/9 | Dynamic graphics (movies) |
4/14 | Hypervariate plots to explain outliers |
4/16 | Projections of high-dimensional data |
4/21 | Nomograms and parallel-coordinate plots |
4/23 | Parallel-coordinates to describe data groups |
4/28 | Iconic displays: stars, images, faces |
4/30 | Airplanes movie, course wrap-up |