10-602 Schedule
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Statistical Approaches to
Learning and Discovery

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Date Topic Supplementary Reading
  Statistical inference and exact models  
1/16,18 Sufficient statistics, Cramer-Rao bounds, maximum likelihood, exponential families. Tanner Chapter 1
1/23,25 Bayesian inference, conjugate priors, and decision theory. Tanner Chapter 1
Pathologies of Orthodox Statistics
Bayesian inference of a uniform distribution
1/30 Predictive distributions. Noninformative priors. Bayesian inference of a Gaussian distribution.
2/1 Scoring functions for model selection. Bayesian linear regression. Bayesian model selection overview
Bayesian linear regression
2/6,8 Bayesian inference and model selection for the multinomial distribution. Bayesian inference, entropy, and the multinomial distribution
  Numerical methods and approximations  
2/13,15,20,22 Normal approximations to likelihoods and posteriors.
Laplace's method for integration.
Tanner Chapter 2
2/27 Numerical integration by interpolation (quadrature).
Gradient descent, Newton's method, and the EM Algorithm.
Beyond Newton's method
Expectation-Maximization as lower bound maximization
Tanner Chapter 4
3/1 EM using hidden variables vs. EM using lower bounds. EM for mixture weights and alternative lower bounds. Faster EM methods in High-Dimensional Finite Mixtures
Variational bounds via reversing EM
3/6 EM for mixtures of Gaussians. Model selection for mixtures of Gaussians. Using lower bounds to approximate integrals. Variational bounds via reversing EM
Using lower bounds to approximate integrals
3/13 Monte Carlo integration. How to sample from a distribution. Tanner sec 3.3
Monte Carlo integration (thesis chapter)
Bibliography for above
Luc Devroye, Non-uniform random variate generation, 1986 (ENGR&SCI 519 D51N)
3/15 Monte Carlo with correlated samples. Markov chain sampling. Metropolis and Hastings algorithms. Tanner Chapter 6
"Markov Chain Monte Carlo and Related Topics"
"Lattice methods for multivariate integration", Sloan & Joe, 1994 (ENGR&SCI 515 S63L)
3/20 Metropolis sampling example. Estimating the Monte Carlo error when samples are correlated. Gibbs sampling. Gibbs sampling with hidden variables. Mixture of Gaussians example. Tanner Chapter 6
3/22 Hammersley-Clifford-Besag theorem. Changepoint analysis via Gibbs sampling. Tanner 6.2.3
  Advanced models  
4/3,4/5 Estimating the size of a population, i.e. filling in missing values in a contingency table. Capture-recapture estimates. Models which capture dependence and heterogeneity. Item response model in educational testing. Estimating the size of a population
Tanner 6.2.5
4/10 Bayesian analysis of the threshold classifier. Noise models: logistic regression, probit regression, uniform label error. Bayesian analysis of a threshold classifier
Tanner p28,41,50,57
4/12 Linear classifiers. Logistic regression. Logistic regression examples
Algorithms for maximum-likelihood logistic regression
Logistic regression overview
4/17 Discriminative (conditional) models vs. generative (joint) models for classification. Logistic regression can achieve the same set of decision boundaries as any exponential family generative model. Nonparametric generative models can achieve the benefits of both approaches, but present significant computational and theoretical challenges. Discriminative vs Informative Learning
Why the logistic function?
4/19,4/24 Log-linear models for multi-way contingency tables. Special cases: hierarchical, graphical, decomposable. Markov random fields. Exploits the assumption that high-order interactions are rare.
4/26 Learning the structure of a decomposable log-linear model (i.e. a Bayesian network). "Model Selection and Accounting for Model Uncertainty in Graphical Models Using Occam's Window" D. Madigan, A. Raftery, JASA 89:1535-1546, Dec 1994
5/1 Advanced regression models: feedforward networks, decision trees, splines. Gaussian processes as a unifying framework.
5/3 Gaussian processes in practice: Predicting water arsenic levels. Formulating the model, performing computations, and model validation.