(Tree-Structured) Interpreter Pattern
(from Design
Given a language, define a representation for its grammar along with an
interpreter that uses the representation to interpret sentences in the
Problem instances can be expressed as a few primitives assembled by a few
different combination rules. That is, problem instances are sentences in a
simple language. For example, regular expressions, programming languages,
graphical scenes, and documents.
The complexity of the problem should be mostly represented by the
grammatical structure, not the individual primitives and combination rules.
The number of primitives and combination rules should be open-ended.
Several different actions may need to be performed on the same problem
Use a class to represent each primitive and each combination rule.
Represent a problem with a tree whose leaves are primitive objects and
whose internal nodes are combination rule objects.
Solve the problem by traversing the tree. Each node has a method which
receives the traversal state and performs some work, possibly modifying the
traversal state or delegating some of the work to children. Calling the
root node with the initial traversal state starts the traversal.
Nodes are loosely coupled, since they are oblivious to the structure of the
tree and the workings of other nodes, except through the traversal state.
Parent nodes merely delegate work to children; they do not care how that
work is carried out.
It is easy to add new node classes (primitives or combination rules). This
is partly because of the loose coupling and partly because the
implementation of each node is simple. The required complexity comes from
the tree structure, not the individual nodes.
The nodes can support different actions, so that the same tree can be used
for matching, code generation, evaluation, partial evaluation, pretty printing,
conversion, type checking, dependency analysis, estimating resource
requirements, etc. Even copying and storing the tree can be viewed as
traversal actions.
However, adding new actions is hard since every node class must support it
with a method. The Visitor pattern can help.
The tree structure can be modified at run-time, e.g. to be more efficient
or to animate a scene. A search-and-replace action can be used for
transforming one tree into another.
One-pass tree traversal is often not the most efficient approach to
interpretation. However, traversal can be used to compile the problem into
a better representation for the particular action.
The research on implementing interpreters is quite extensive.
- Shared nodes
Since the same object can be used in multiple places in the tree, nodes
should avoid private state. They should also minimize public state, to
promote sharing. Instead, the contextual information they need should be
passed in as part of the traversal state. See the Flyweight pattern from
- Default actions
Adding new actions is easier if each node provides a default action
behavior. This is most effective for nodes which only serve to delegate to
their children, write to the traversal state, or maintain constraints.
- Dependency analysis
Dependency analysis is figuring out what state elements are read or written
by a node. It is a step in all of the techniques which follow.
This analysis is not possible in general since it may depend on the values
of the state elements themselves. However, while underestimation of the
read set can cause errors, there is no functional disadvantage to
overestimation. (The opposite holds for the write set.) Thus one
makes conservative approximations.
Dependency analysis can be performed as a traversal action, with each
primitive conservatively reporting its dependencies and each combination
rule conservatively combining the dependencies of its children. (Since
dependency analysis can be used to accelerate any traversal action, it can
be used to accelerate dependency analysis!)
- Liveness analysis
Traversal can be accelerated by not computing elements of the traversal
state that will not be read before they are changed again. This can be
done by tagging each element as "dead" or "alive" based on the action being
performed or the output of dependency analysis.
- Effect caching
When the same action is applied repeatedly to a tree, time can be saved by
caching the work done by unmodified subtrees. If neither the subtree nor
the relevant traversal state has changed since last time, then the effect
of traversing the subtree must also be identical, and can simply be
recalled from memory. This optimization requires dependency analysis,
a mechanism for recording side-effects, and a notification
mechanism for detecting changes.
- Partial evaluation
Partial evaluation generalizes effect caching. The idea is to create
multiple implementations of a subtree, each specialized on particular
conditions of the traversal state. The specialized implementations are
more efficient by taking advantage of those known conditions, i.e. they
have already been "partially evaluated." The specialized implementation is
then used whenever the required conditions hold. Effect caching
essentially uses an exact-match condition along with a full evaluation of
the subtree.
- Tracing causes
Dependency analysis allows interacting with the tree via its output. For
example, if the tree represents a graphical scene, dependency analysis can
tell you which node determines the color of this pixel. If the tree
represents a program, dependency analysis can tell you which computation
led to this number.
- Parallelism
Dependency analysis permits parallelism. For example, the children of a
node could be partitioned into independent sets which can be traversed in
parallel. This usually means that one set does not read state modified by
another set. Thus another optimization to perform on a tree is to make
subtrees independent.
- Lazy evaluation
Lazy evaluation generalizes liveness analysis. Instead of using
conservative dependency information to decide what to compute, you can
compute nothing until it is explicitly asked for. Instead of computing a
value to put in the traversal state, a node simply inserts a pointer to
itself. The pointer is a proxy, as in the Proxy pattern. When another node tugs on
this pointer, the original node finally computes the value and uses it to
replace the pointer.
Unfortunately, lazy evaluation is expensive since the original node must
compute using the old traversal state (the state it was called with).
Therefore, don't use lazy evaluation unless many elements of the traversal
state go unused and this is not detectible by dependency analysis.
Anecdote: Lazy evaluation was the basis of a rejected proposal for VRML2
called ActiveVRML.
They planned to use the highly-optimizing Haskell
See Design
Patterns for sample code. For dependency and liveness analysis, see
any book on compilers, e.g. Compilers: Principles, Techniques, and
Tools. For caching and partial evaluation see the book
Partial Evaluation and Mixed Computation. For parallelism and
lazy evaluation see Implementing Functional Languages: A
Tutorial and the excellent MIT course 6.847 (Dataflow
Architectures and Languages).
Dynamic programming is often used as an alternative to tree
traversal. Each node (now called an instruction) has conditions which
enable it to run. The idea is to maintain a queue of instructions whose
conditions are satisfied (the "run queue"). The interpreter pops an
instruction off of the queue, executes it (modifies the program state),
then pushes any new instructions which have just been enabled and pops any
instructions which no longer apply. This approach is used in
microprocessors, optimizers, blackboards, rewriting systems, and backward
chaining expert systems.
State machines are a further optimization where all possible queues
are modeled as states and changing the queue is modeled as a state
transition. Regular expression parsing is usually done with a state
Known Uses
Python uses the Interpreter pattern to generate bytecode for a parse tree.
Other languages also do type checking, type reconstruction, and
optimization analyses like liveness analysis. The optimization itself
is usually not done by successive traversal, but rather by dynamic
SCM, a Scheme interpreter, directly executes the parse tree, making small
optimizations as it goes along. SCM is now called Guile.
Inventor/VRML uses the Interpreter pattern to render a graphical scene.
Nodes may define geometry like cones, cubes, and polygonal meshes, may
alter the drawing state like current color or 3D position, may
spontaneously produce information like detecting collisions or reporting
the current time, or may modify other nodes in order to maintain
constraints. Thus the tree can embed information about how it should
change to form an animation. Inventor uses the node sharing, default
action, liveness analysis, and caching techniques.
Text editors and Web browsers use the Interpreter pattern to lay out
documents and check spelling. For example, an equation in TeX is
represented as a tree where internal nodes are operators, e.g. square root,
and leaves are variables.
The Interpreter pattern is a very powerful and well understood pattern, yet
it has not been used much outside of programming languages. Hopefully that
will change.
Related patterns
(from Design
The Composite pattern is a simple pattern
that says "primitives and composites conform to the same interface."
Windows uses this technique for assembling user interface elements. We
also saw this in Python, where both primitive values like integers and
composite values like tuples had the same interface. This allows you to
build arbitrarily complex networks of objects. The Interpreter pattern
specializes the Composite pattern to decoupled tree structures. The way an
Interpreter uses the tree is also very stylized (divide-and-conquer).
The Visitor pattern is really just an idiom for
adding methods to classes. Instead of distributing the implementation of a
particular method out to different classes, you put all of the
implementations in one class (call it the "method class"). The method
class has one method for every implemented class. Each class then gets one
"extension method" which receives a method class and calls the appropriate
Method class:
MethodForA(A& a) { ... }
MethodForB(B& b) { ... }
MethodForC(C& c) { ... }
Class A:
Extension(MethodClass& m) { m.MethodForA(*this); }
Unfortunately, using the Visitor pattern then makes it hard to add new
classes. A better solution is to use a language with multiple dispatch,
like CLOS.
Thomas Minka
Last modified: Tue Apr 25 09:59:24 GMT 2006