This section is organized in three parts: my theses, all my papers, and what other people wrote about my work (in progress).
Autonomous Interactive Intermediaries: Social Intelligence for Mobile Communication Agents
June 2005, Ph.D. Thesis in Media Arts and Sciences, 167 pages.
[pdf] 6,298kb
[project description]
[project page]
[granted patent 1]
[granted patent 2]

Related documents:
[video defense talk] [Youtube link]
[ppt slides defense]
Active Messenger: Email Filtering and Mobile Delivery
September 1999, Master's Thesis in Media Arts and Sciences, 122 pages.
[pdf] 1,203kb
[project description]
[project page]

Related documents:
[ppt presentation] 538kb
The Psychological Impact of Modern Communication Technologies on Users
(original German title: Psychologische Effekte beim Gebrauch moderner Kommunikationstechnologien)
1993, Master's Thesis in Psychology, 283 pages.
[pdf English]
[pdf English abstr] 105kb
[pdf German] 1,932kb
[project description]

Official Evaluation (3 pages):
[pdf English] 55kb
Kognitive Belastung des Fahrers: Messung der Gefahr anhand der Pupillenveränderung
Invited paper for ATZ elektronik, June 2016, Volume 11, Issue 3, pp 36-41.
[pdf] 693kb
[official link]
[project description]
Advances to In-Car Human Machine Interface Systems (co-authors Rashmi Rao and IP Park)
Invited paper in proceedings of Symposium Vehicle Displays and Trends, SID Display Week, May 31 - June 5, 2015 San Jose/CA (4 pages).
[pdf] 1,803kb
[official link]
[presentation PPTX] 56,402kb
[presentation PDF] 5,523kb
Ghost Fingers: A Hybrid Approach to the Interaction with Remote Displays. (co-author Seung Wook Kim)
In Extended Abstracts of ACM conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI '12), Austin/TX, May 5 - 10, 2012, pp. 1877 - 1882 (4 pages).
[pdf] 275kb
[poster] 162kb
[video] MOV, 14s, 1.4mb
[project description]
Range Camera for Simple behind Display Interaction (co-authors Anton Treskunov and Seung Wook Kim)
In MVA 2011 IAPR Conference on Machine Vision Applications, Nara/JP, June 13-15, 2011, 4 pages.
[pdf] 242kb
[poster] 146kb
[video] WMV, 21s, 14mb
[project description]
DRIVE: Directly Reaching Into Virtual Environment with Bare Hand Manipulation Behind Mobile Display (co-authors Seung Wook Kim and Anton Treskunov)
In IEEE Symposium on 3D User Interfaces 2011, Singapore, March 19-20, 2011, 2 pages.
[pdf] 9,404kb
[poster] 2,088kb
[project description]
Position dependent rendering of 3D content on mobile phones using gravity and imaging sensors (co-authors Seung Wook Kim, Han Joo Chae)
Paper presented at the Samsung Best Paper Award 2009, 5 pages.
[pdf] 386kb
[project description]
I/O Brush: Beyond Static Collages (co-authors Kimiko Ryokai, Hiroshi Ishii)
In Extended Abstracts of CHI 2007, San Jose, California, April 28 - May 3, 2007, 6 pages.
[pdf] 417kb
[project description]
Physical Embodiments for Mobile Communication Agents (co-author Chris Schmandt)
In Proceedings of UIST 2005, Seattle, Washington, October 23-26, 2005, 10 pages.
[pdf] 161kb
[project description]
Giving the Caller the Finger: Collaborative Responsibility for Cellphone Interruptions (co-author Chris Schmandt)
In Proceedings of ACM conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI '05), Portland, Oregon, April 2-7, 2005, pp 1633-1636.
[pdf] 161kb
[project description]
Designing "The World as your Palette" (co-authors Kimiko Ryokai, Hiroshi Ishii)
Presented at Design Expo of the ACM conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI '05), Portland, Oregon, April 2-7, 2005, pp 1037-1049.
[pdf] 693kb
[project description]
Active Messenger: Email Filtering and Delivery in a Heterogeneous Network (co-author Chris Schmandt)
In Human-Computer Interaction Journal (HCI), Volume 20 (2005), Numbers 1 & 2, pp 163-194.
Note: This article is © by Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Inc. Readers must contact LEA for permission to reprint or use this article in any form.
[pdf] 1,285kb
[project description]
[project page]
Autonomous Interactive Intermediaries: Social Intelligence for Mobile Communication Agents
In Doctoral Colloquium Companion Booklet, as part of ACM conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work (CSCW '04), Chicago, USA, November 6-10, 2004, 2 pages.
[pdf] 60kb
[ppt talk slides]
[jpg poster]
I/O Brush: Drawing with Everyday Objects as Ink (co-authors Kimiko Ryokai and Hiroshi Ishii)
In Proceedings of ACM conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI '04), Vienna, Austria, April 24-29, 2004, pp 303-310.
[pdf] 747kb
[ppt talk slides]
[project description]
[project page]

TinyProjector: Laser Diode Based Single Line of Text Projector for Mobile Communication Devices.
February 2003, 129 pages, technical report and lab notebook
[pdf] 6,350kb
[project description]
[project page]
How does the User Interface Design of Mobile Devices Influence the Social Impact of Mobile Communication?
January 2002, 21 pages, qualifying exam paper and literature survey
[pdf] 236kb
[related ppt] 1,679kb
[project page]
WeatherTank: A Tangible Interface using Weather Metaphors (co-authors Deva Seetharam and Hiroshi Ishii)
December 2001, 2 pages, technical report
[pdf] 190kb
[project description]
Active Messenger: Filtering and Delivery in a Heterogeneous Network (co-author Chris Schmandt)
April 2001, 19 pages, technical report
[pdf] 166kb
[project description]
[project page]
The Adaptive Song Selector or Locator (ASSOL) (co-author Kwan Hong Lee)
December 2000, 6 pages, technical report
[pdf] 839kb
[project description]
[project page]
Everywhere Messaging (co-authors Chris Schmandt, Natalia Marmasse, Nitin Sawhney, and Sean Wheeler)
IBM Systems Journal 2000, Vol. 39, Nos. 3&4, pp 660-677
[pdf] 701kb
WeatherTank: Interface for Non-literate Communities and Ambient Visualization Tool (co-author Deva Seetharam)
December 2000, 5 pages, technical report
[pdf] 319kb
[project description]
Free Flying Micro Platform (FFMP) report
May 18th, 2000, 20 pages, technical report and lab notebook
[pdf] 418kb
[project description]
[project page]
Numerical Mechanisms and Children's Concept of Numbers (co-authors Natalia Marmasse and Aggelos Bletsas)
May 2000, 9 pages, technical report
[pdf] 100kb
The OpenSource SpeechSynthesizer Project
May 2000, 4 pages, technical report
[pdf] 723kb
[project description]
[project page]
The Zero G Eye: A Free Hovering Camera
January 2000, 12 pages, technical report
[pdf] 606kb
[project description]
[project page]
How to Talk to a Papa-TV-Bot: Interfaces for Autonomously Levitating Robots
December 1999, 24 pages, study and technical report
[pdf] 673kb
[html abstract]
[project description]
[project page]
The Two-Way Pager: what it is, what people think of it, and how it changes their lives
December 1998, 13 pages, study and technical report
[pdf] 154kb
The Development of a Small Autonomous Helicopter Robot for Search and Rescue in Hostile Environments (co-authors J. Beal et al.)
Proceedings of the AUVSI Annual Symposium, July 12, 1999, Baltimore, MD (11 pages)
[pdf] 78kb
Free Flying Micro Platform and Papa-TV-Bot: Evolving Autonomously Hovering Mobots
May 1998, 8 pages, technical report
[pdf] 114kb
[project description]
[project page]
Impressionist visualization of online communication
May 17, 1998, 6 pages, technical report
[pdf] 144kb
[project description]
[project page]
Daboo - An interactive system to make a user guess a word as fast as possible (without using taboo words) (co-author Keith Emnett)
December 1997, 14 pages, technical report
[pdf] 215kb
[project description]

Related documents:
[ppt presentation] 210kb
The Strange Effects of Telecommunication on Human Beings
(original German title: Die seltsamen Effekte der Telekommuniation auf den Menschen)
November 15, 1994, 16 pages, invited talk
Content of this talk is a combination of the results of my first Master's Thesis and an early version of the Leonardo da Vinci-contribution
[pdf English]
[pdf German] 138kb
[pdf English TOC] 23kb
A Few Considerations for the Future
(original German title: Ein paar Überlegungen zur Zukunft)
1994, 11 pages, essay and vision paper
Award-winning contribution to IBM's 1994/95 International Leonardo da Vinci Contest, originally German
[pdf English] 273kb
[pdf German] 250kb
Intergenerational Justice
(original German title: Intergenerationelle Gerechtigkeit)
April 1993, 10 pages, philosophical study
[pdf English]
[pdf English summary] 51kb
[pdf German] 71kb
Music and Videoclips: Does a Videoclip Influence the Perception of Music? (co-authors Franziska Jeker und Christoph Arn)
(original German title: Die Beeinflussung von Musikbeurteilungen durch Videoclips)
1989, 163 pages, psychological study
[pdf English abstract/TOC] 25kb
[pdf German] 9,631kb
[pdf German no appendices] 750kb
[project description]
Exploratory Study on Physiological Reactions and Linked Affections of Listeners of Modern Music (co-authors Sibylle Perler, Christine Thoma, Robert Müller, and Markus Fehlmann)
(original German title: Explorative Untersuching über physiologische Reaktionen und die damit verbundenen Neigungen beim Hören moderner Musik)
1986, 37 pages, psychological study
[pdf English abstract/intro] 22kb
[pdf German] 2,427kb
[project description]
The duties of research and technology from the point of view of science, art, and the so-called "natural evolvement" (whatever this might be)
(original German title: Die Aufgabe der Forschung und der Technik aus der Sicht der Wissenschaften, der Kunst und der sogenannten "Naturgewollten Entwicklung" (was das auch immer sei))
1984, 23 pages, vision paper and philosophical study
[pdf English full]
[pdf English partial] 27kb
[pdf German] 2,558kb
The Year in Ideas: Consensual Interruptions
New York Times Magazine, December 11, 2005
By Jascha Hoffman.
[html local]
How annoying is your phone? Squirrels and simplicity feature in mobile phones
ITU News magazine (International Telecommunication Union), October, 2005
[html english]
[html french]
[html spanish]
Screen all my calls
The Age, October 1, 2005
By Lia Timson.
[html original]
[pdf] 41kb
Sekretärin mit viel Pelz
Kölner Stadtanzeiger, September 29, 2005.
By Lena Brochhagen.
[html original]
[pdf] 1,949kb
Animatronička vjeverica
PC Chip Croatia, September 2005.
By Ante Vukorepa.
[jpg1, jpg2] 100kb, 123kb
[pdf] 1,045kb
Squirrel helps with mobile calls
BBC News Online, 26 August 2005.
This article (like the one in Mobileburn) created a lot of web traffic on more than 50,000 hits in about three weeks. These hits came from the original article and the many follow-up blogs, including non-english sites, such as BBC Persian Online (Persian), BBC Arabic Online (Arabic),, (Belgium), (Swedish), BBC News Online (Spanish),, (Italian), (Russian), unlugged0121,, (Russian), (Swedish), (Lithuanian), Tetherd Cow has a very nice one, and lots of comments. Again, thank you everybody who linked to my site!

Interesting: After about one week, most hits, almost 35,000, came mainly via (on the front page as news, and then later as a thread), which refers to this pretty weird comic strip. No clue why this thread created so much traffic, twice as much as the BBC article itself!
[html original]
Executive Squirrel
Technology Review, August 2005.
[jpg] 137kb
[pdf] 6,240kb
[html] no graphics
Cellular Squirrel
FRAMES, May/June 2005.
[jpg] 117kb
[pdf] 5,482kb
A PhD student fights the rudeness of cellphones
Toronto Star, July 24, 2005.
By Christopher Hutsul.
[jpg] 148kb
[pdf] 4,275kb
[html original]
Cellular Squirrel, a robot that screens your calls, July 15, 2005.
News by Michael Oryl (editor).

This article triggered a flood of follow-ups, the main ones were by (very funny comments!) and

In the following ten days, I got about 16,000 unique hits on my site The hits came from a variety of blogs, such as (in no particular order):,, (French),,,,,, (German), (Japanese),,, (Latvian),,,,,,, pazar cuccok (Hungarian), (Russian), brunodelfrate (Italian), (Dutch?),,,,, (Croatian), (French),,, (Italian),, (Hebrew),, (Italian), (russian),, liberoblog (Italian). Thank you very much to all of you, guys! :-)
[html original]
Switched On: The Blossoming of Bluetooth, March 16, 2005.
By Ross Rubin.
[html local]
[html original]
Block That Ringtone!
The New York Times, April 8, 2004; section Circuits, pages E1 and E7.
By Sam Lubell.
[html local]
[html original]
[pdf] 399kb
[pdf scan]
«Computer werden merken, ob der Anwender nervös ist»
K-Spezial 2/03 vom 30. April 2003 - Seite 4.
Interview: Stephan Pfäffli.
[html original]
[pdf scan] 55kb
To come: earlier press and TV coverage
© 1997 - 2012 by Stefan Marti & MIT Media Lab. Send comments to: . Last updated: August 23, 2020
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