Medical team

James Bruton, Telemedicine Communications Specialist
Dr. Vincent Grasso, Medical Director and Surgeon
Scott Hamilton, Expedition Director and Medical Technician
Dr. Kenneth Kamler, High Altitude Medical Expert and Surgeon
Dr. Christian Macedonia, Physician and 3-D Ultrasound Specialist
Edward Mattes, Logistics Specialist and Medical Technician
Rick Satava, Jr. Base Camp Manager and Medical Technician

The Yale University School of Medicine will be putting in place an advanced medical clinic at Base Camp to study physiology and tele-medicine in extreme environments. Dr. Vincent Grasso of Yale University will lead the medical team, with collaboration from high altitude specialist Dr. Ken Kamler: he was the doctor who treated Beck Weathers in '96. Jim Bruton is supervising the critical telecommunications necessary to allow telemedicine from Base Camp to Yale School of Medicine. A number of advanced technologies previously developed at the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) and the US Army Medical Research and Material Command (MRMC) and the MIT Media Lab will be utilized to provide a high level of medical care. In addition, scientific investigation of high altitude affects with technology not previously available will extend our understanding of the human body beyond the incredible discoveries of previous expeditions. However it is the humanitarian endeavor which provides the proper perspective for the expedition.

In May, 1996 eight climbers died during the assult of Mount Everest summit. The NASA-Yale University Commercial Space Center for Medical Informatics and Technology Applications (CSC/MITA) is conducting an Everest Extreme Expedition to put in place telemedicine support on Mount Everest for the climbing season of 1998. The purpose is both humanitarian (medical support of climbers from the Base Camp) and scientific validation of the latest advanced and medical technologies which are being developed through the CSC/MITA in conjunction with NASA, DARPA, US Army MRMC and MIT. These technologies include the following:

It is through the use of these technology capabilities that we hope to not only advance the medical science and understanding of high altitude physiology, but to reduce the risk to the climbers and possibly prevent or at least reduce casualties during this season's assault.

At the standard Base Camp at 18,000, the telemedicine center will be established, connected to Yale University School of Medicine for consultation. When the climbers begin the assault of the summit, they will be wearing the vital signs sensors and the wireless transmitters - the vital signs will be transmitted back to the Base Camp, and when possible, overlay the video view of their progress. Scientific data on climber performance and endurance, physiologic status, effcts of extreme exertion, hypoxia and cold for climbers and expeditionary members will be collected, analyzed and used to further our knowledge base of human performance in extreme environments. At the TEDMED2 Conference in Charleston, SC during the May 13-16, 1998 timeframe, the following will be coordinated. The researchers who developed the above advanced medical devices will present their revolutionary technologies. These remarkable devices and systems will be exhibited for attendees to see, feel and demonstrate. Then, in real time from Mount Everest, live broadcast of the climbers, what they are seeing, their continuous vital signs and their exact postion will be transmitted to the audience. In addition the Base Camp physician will conduct a full tour of the Base Camp showing these technologies as they are being used.
