I'm currently in the final year of Ph.D. in the Media Fabrics group (formerly called the Interactive Cinema group) at the MIT Media Lab. If you want to know more about this part of my life, take a look at my TViews Interaction Table research project, or at some of my publications.
In a former life, I was a Master's student in the Media Lab's Tangible Media Group. I worked on projects such as It May All End in Aleppo, genieBottles, bottlogues, musicBottles, and Triangles & Narratives. I wrote my Master's thesis on tangible interfaces for multiple viewpoint stories. You can read the thesis proposal, or the actual thesis itself. Or you can just visit my TMG page.
In the even more distant past, I was an undergraduate student a the University of Toronto, where I studied computer science, mathematics and film. I also worked with the Collaborative Multimedia Research Group at the Dynamic Graphics Project computer lab. We started a company called Expresto Software Corp.. They made a really neat moviemaking application called Expresto Creator.
When not at work, I enjoy filmmaking, photography, skiing, snowboarding, and sailing. I've also recently taken up surfing. And I like to travel.