David was the first to come up with a specific idea of what
he wanted from his audio piece. He knew its formality, who the
right people to interview were, and the message he wanted to transmit.
The next day, David talked to some people to see if they could
meet at his house later that evening to record the interview.
He chose his place because the recording
would have less noise than at any other place.
He interviewed three couples (parents of
kids with a disability), the head of education in Tulcingo and
his son, Don Carmelo (from New York), and another professor.
The interview lasted a little more than
an hour.
Everybody spoke very clearly, calmly, and
with good volume, as if they had done it before.
At first, David pointed the microphone at the person he was
posing a question to and, consequently, pointed it away from himself
while asking. Little by little he started turning the mic back
and forth, aiming it at whoever was speaking.
He, at all times, wore his headphones to
monitor the audio recording quality (which could be the reason
why he improved his mic handling technique during the interview)
Once in a while he checked and made sure the recorder was in fact
recording. And he made the right questions, and always approprietly
introduced each interviewee before asking specifically targeted
questions. From the start,
David handled the interwiew very professionally,
however by the time he finished all the audio processing, he was
very good at handling the equipment too.