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Up: J. Watlington: Thesis Proposal
- 1
Anant Agarwal.
Analysis of Cache Performance for Operating Systems and
Kluwer Academic Pubs., Boston, 1988.
- 2
S.J. Allan and R.R. Oldehoeft.
A stream definition for von neumann multiprocessors.
In Proc. 1983 Int'l Conference on Parallel Processing, pages
303-306, Aug 1983.
- 3
Edward A. Ashcroft, Anthony A. Faustini, Rangaswamy Jagannathan, and William W.
Multidimensional Programming.
Oxford Univ. Press, New York, 1995.
- 4
Peter M. Athanas and A. Lynn Abbott.
Real-time image processing on a custom computing platform.
IEEE Computer, pages 16-24, Feb 1995.
- 5
Shuvra S. Bhattacharyya and Edward A. Lee.
Memory Management for Dataflow Programming of Multirate Signal
Processing Algorithms.
IEEE Trans. on Signal Processing, 42(5), May 1994.
- 6
V. Michael Bove, Jr.
Multimedia based on object models: Some whys and hows.
IBM Systems Journal, 35(3 & 4), 1996.
- 7
V. Michael Bove, Jr., Brett D. Granger, and John A. Watlington.
Real-Time Decoding and Display of Structured Video.
In Proc. IEEE Int'l. Conf. on Multimedia Computing and Systems
'94, Boston, MA, May 1994.
- 8
V. Michael Bove, Jr. and John A. Watlington.
Cheops: A Reconfigurable Data-Flow System for Video Processing.
IEEE Trans. on Circuits and Systems for Video Processing,
5(2):140-149, April 1995.
- 9
David Callahan, Ken Kennedy, and Allan Porterfield.
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In Proc. Fourth Int'l Conf. on Architecture Support for
Programming Languages and Operating Systems, pages 40-52, Santa Clara, CA,
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- 10
L. J. Caluwaerts, J. Debacker, and J. A. Peperstraete.
Implementing streams on a data flow computer system with paged
In Proc. 10th Annual Int'l Symposium on Computer Architecture,
pages 76-83, 1983.
- 11
Edmond Chalom.
Statistical Image Sequence Segmentation Using Multidimensional
PhD thesis, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, January 1998.
- 12
J. B. Dennis and K. S. Weng.
An abstract implementation for concurrent computation with streams.
In Proc. 1979 Conf. on Parallel Processing, pages 35-45, Aug
- 13
J. L. Gaudiot.
Methods for handling structures in dataflow systems.
In Proc. 12th Annual Int'l Symp. on Computer Architecture,
pages 352-358. ACM, 1985.
- 14
James R. Goodman, Jian tu Hsieh, Koujuch Liou, Andrew R. Pleszkun, P. B.
Schechter, and Honesty C. Young.
Pipe: A vlsi decoupled architecture.
In Proc. 12th Annual Int'l Symposium on Computer Architecture,
pages 20-27, 1985.
- 15
R. W. Hartenstein, A. G. Hirschbiel, and M. Riedmüller.
A novel asic design approach based on a new machine paradigm.
IEEE Journal of Solid State Circuits, 26(7):975-989, July
- 16
R.A. Iannucci.
Toward a Dataflow/von Neumann Hybrid Architecture.
In Proc. 15th Annual Int'l Symposium on Computer Architecture,
pages 131-140. ACM, 1988.
- 17
Donald E. Knuth.
The Art of Computer Programming: Fundamental Algorithms,
volume 1.
Addison-Wesley, Reading, MA, 1973.
- 18
Murat Kunt, A. Ikonomopoulos, and M. Kocher.
Second-Generation Image-Coding Techniques.
Proceedings of the IEEE, 73(4):549-574, 1985.
- 19
Edward Ashford Lee.
Representing and Exploiting Data Parallelism using Multidimensional
Dataflow Diagram.
In Proc. IEEE 1993 Intl. Conf. on Acoustics, Speech and Signal
Processing, pages I-453 - I-456, April 1993.
- 20
R. Lee.
Subword parallelism with MAX-2.
IEEE Micro, 16(4):51-59, August 1996.
- 21
MPEG-4 SNHC verification model 3.0.
- 22
- 23
Hans Georg Musmann, Michael Hotter, and J. Ostermann.
Object-Oriented Analysis-Synthesis Coding of Moving Images.
Signal Processing: Image Communication, 1:117-138, 1989.
- 24
J. S. Onanian.
A Signal Processing Language for Coarse Grain Dataflow
Master's thesis, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, June 1989.
- 25
P. J. Plauger.
The Standard C Library.
Prentice Hall, Englewood Cliffs, NJ, 1992.
- 26
Scott Rixner, William J. Dally, Ujval J. Kapasi, Brucek Khailany, Abelardo
Lopez-Lagunas, Peter R. Mattson, and John D. Owens.
A Bandwidth-Efficient Architecture for Media Processing.
In Proc. of the 31st International Symposium on
Microarchitecture, December 1998.
- 27
Pierre St.-Hilaire, Steven A. Benton, and Mark Lucente.
Synthetic aperture holography: a novel approach to three dimensional
Journal of the Optical Society of America A, 9(11):1969-1977,
Nov. 1992.
- 28
M. Tremblay, J. M. O'Connor, V. Narayanan, and H. Liang.
VIS speeds new media processing.
IEEE Micro, 16(4):51-59, August 1996.
- 29
John Watlington and V. Michael Bove, Jr.
Stream-based computing and future television.
In Proc. 137th SMPTE Technical Conference, Sep 1995.
- 30
John A. Watlington.
Synthetic Movies.
Master's thesis, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, May 1989.
- 31
John A. Watlington and V. Michael Bove, Jr.
A system for parallel media processing.
In Proc. of the Workshop on Parallel Processing in Multimedia,
Geneva, April 1997.
- 32
John A. Watlington, Mark Lucente, Carlton J. Sparrell, V. Michael Bove,
Jr., and Ichiro Tamitani.
A hardware architecture for rapid generation of electro-holographic
fringe patterns.
In SPIE Proc. #2406-23 - Practical Holography IX, Bellingham,
WA, Feb. 1995. SPIE.