While this thesis is applicable to a range of media, including audio, the computational requirements of video are the primary motivation (see section 2).

Hybrid dataflow uses dataflow techniques to schedule sequences of instructions. Pure, or fine-grained, dataflow schedules individual instructions.

The number of instructions being scheduled at one time is referred to as the scheduling granularity. Fine-grain implies that one or two instructions are being scheduled. Medium granularity, targetted by this thesis, implies a scheduling quanta of between ten and a thousand instructions.

Computed using a 44 KHz sampling rate and 16 bits per sample. While these parameters may be contested, they are correct within a factor of 4.

Lower data rate is NTSC broadcast video. Upper data rate is 6000 samples by 2000 lines at 72 frames per second using three color components each represented by 10 bits.

The cache overflow problem tends to be an artifact of the particular algorithm implementation. One of the goals of this thesis is to show that streams may be used to partition algorithm execution (at runtime) in such a way to avoid cache overflow.
Knuth describes the history of a precursor to streams, coroutines, in his compendium: The Art of Computer Programming [17].
