Day 31 - Logistic regression

Last week we showed how linear regression can be used to make detailed predictions of a numerical response, much better than a decision tree which makes piecewise-constant predictions. Can we use similar techniques to get detailed predictions of a categorical response? As discussed on day24, accurate predictive probabilities are important for choosing among options with different costs. Classification trees predict constant class probabilities for large regions of the predictor space, with discontinuous jumps in between. A regression approach can give smooth probability functions.

Simple example

On day21, we looked at a simple dataset relating a binary response y to one numerical predictor x:

The tree model says that the class probabilities are (1,0) for small x, then (0.8,0.2), then (1,0) again, then (0.55,0.44) for a while, etc. But it seems simpler and more reasonable to say that the probability that y = Yes increases smoothly and monotonically from small x to large x. To get an idea of how the probability changes, we can take local averages of the response and then smooth them together, similar to how we smoothed a scatterplot with numerical response. This is done by calling predict.plot with a categorical predictor:

The result strongly suggests that the probability of y=Yes varies smoothly, not in discrete jumps. Can we model this probability curve quantitatively?

Logistic regression

Let's restrict attention to the case when y has two values, 1 and -1. The most direct way to apply linear regression would be to use the model
p(y=1|x) = a + b*x
This doesn't work because for some x it would give probabilities above 1 or below 0. The solution is to change to a different representation of probability. We could use the odds representation: p/(1-p), which ranges from 0 to infinity. That gets rid of the upper limit. We could use a log representation: log(p), which ranges from -infinity to 0. To get rid of both limits, we can use log-odds:
log(p(y=1|x)/(1-p(y=1|x))) = a + b*x
Solving for p gives
p(y=1|x) = 1/(1 + exp(-(a+b*x)))
This function is called the logistic function and denoted sigma(a+b*x). This is called a generalized linear model because we've applied a transformation to a linear function. To fit this model to data, use glm instead of lm and specify a binomial family:
> fit <- glm(y~x,frame,family=binomial)
> fit
(Intercept)            x  
     -7.565       14.137  
> model.plot(fit)

The fitted curve matches the local-average curve reasonably well, though not exactly because the fitted curve is constrained to have a particular mathematical form. We've reduced the relationship between y and x to two numbers: a slope and intercept:
> predict(fit,data.frame(x=0.5),type="response")
[1] 0.3783538
> 1/(1 + exp(-(14.137*0.5 - 7.565)))
[1] 0.3783635

How is logistic regression done? With a numerical response, we minimized the difference between the predicted and actual values. Here it is more tricky, because we don't observe p(y=1|x) so we can't measure distance from a target. Instead what is typically done is the method of maximum likelihood, which says to maximize

sum_i log sigma(yi*(a + b*xi))
where yi is the observed response, 1 or -1. It is equivalent to minimizing the deviance on the training set. This criterion does have some problems. We will talk about the properties of this criterion in the next lecture.

Because logistic regression doesn't have a specific target function, it is difficult to diagnose the fit. It is possible to define "residuals" for logistic regression but they are difficult to interpret. Consequently we will have to treat logistic regression mostly as a "black box" in this course.

Multiple logistic regression

With multiple predictors, the extension is straightforward:
p(y=1|x) = sigma(a + b1*x1 + b2*x2 + ...)
Consider the iris data from , reduced to the two classes versicolor and virginica:
iris <- iris[(iris$Species != "setosa"),]
iris$Species <- factor(iris$Species)

We can see from the pairwise plots that the petals are more relevant than the sepals. This is confirmed by the coefficient p-values:
> fit <- glm(Species~.,iris,family=binomial)
> summary(fit)
             Estimate Std. Error z value Pr(>|z|)  
(Intercept)   -42.638     25.643  -1.663   0.0964 .
Sepal.Length   -2.465      2.393  -1.030   0.3029  
Sepal.Width    -6.681      4.473  -1.494   0.1353  
Petal.Length    9.429      4.725   1.995   0.0460 *
Petal.Width    18.286      9.723   1.881   0.0600 .
Let's do a regression with only two predictors and display it using cplot:
fit <- glm(Species~Petal.Width+Petal.Length,iris,family=binomial)

What cplot shows in green is the line where the probability of virginica crosses 0.5. The equation for the line comes from solving for the place when a + b1*x1 + b2*x2 = 0. The dashed lines show the contours for p=0.25 and p=0.75. We see that the two iris classes are separated quite well by a line, and consequently the linear assumption is good. Here is the boundary that results from a tree classifier (using cplot(tr)):


Now for a more substantial dataset: the Pima Indians diabetes data from homework 8.
> predict.plot(type~.,x)
> fit <- glm(type~.,x,family=binomial)
> summary(fit)
             Estimate Std. Error z value Pr(>|z|)    
(Intercept) -9.773055   1.769454  -5.523 3.33e-08 ***
npreg        0.103183   0.064677   1.595  0.11063    
glu          0.032117   0.006784   4.734 2.20e-06 ***
bp          -0.004768   0.018535  -0.257  0.79701    
skin        -0.001917   0.022492  -0.085  0.93209    
bmi          0.083624   0.042813   1.953  0.05079 .  
ped          1.820409   0.665225   2.737  0.00621 ** 
age          0.041184   0.022085   1.865  0.06221 .  
Several of the coefficients are not significantly different from zero, implying the predictors are not relevant. To automatically prune them away, we can use step:
> fit2 <- step(fit)
Step:  AIC= 190.47 
 type ~ npreg + glu + bmi + ped + age 

        Df Deviance    AIC
       178.47 190.47
- npreg  1   181.08 191.08
- age    1   182.03 192.03
- bmi    1   184.74 194.74
- ped    1   186.55 196.55
- glu    1   206.06 216.06
> summary(fit2)
             Estimate Std. Error z value Pr(>|z|)    
(Intercept) -9.938053   1.540586  -6.451 1.11e-10 ***
npreg        0.103142   0.064502   1.599  0.10981    
glu          0.031809   0.006665   4.773 1.82e-06 ***
bmi          0.079672   0.032638   2.441  0.01464 *  
ped          1.811415   0.660793   2.741  0.00612 ** 
age          0.039286   0.020962   1.874  0.06091 .  
This gets us down to five predictors. From the last iteration of step we see that glu and ped are the most important, in the sense that removing them causes the largest increase in deviance. Let's look at what is happening between those two:
fit <- glm(type~glu+ped,x,family=binomial)

The probability of diabetes increases with both glu and ped. Using logistic regression, we get a nice linear boundary between the classes, whereas a classification tree has to approximate the boundary using stair-step cuts.

According to cross-validation, the best sized tree makes a single cut at glu=123.5. The deviance of this tree on the test set is 367, while logistic regression gets 318.


Functions introduced in this lecture:
Tom Minka
Last modified: Mon Nov 19 17:50:02 Eastern Standard Time 2001