Day 29 - Multiple regression

Last time we discussed linear regression with one predictor. Now we consider multiple predictors. We will assume that the predictors are additive and each has a linear relationship with the response. Mathematically, this means that y = a + b1*x1 + b2*x2 + .... We have one slope coefficient for each numerical predictor.

Visualization is more difficult when there are multiple predictors. Our technique will be to use pairwise scatterplots and residual scatterplots. There are also inference methods which allow us to quickly determine which are the relevant and irrelevant predictors.

CMU buildings

A student in the class, Stephen Piercy, has collected and shared with us a dataset describing the power consumption of various buildings on the CMU campus. His interest is in influencing university policy to make our buildings more efficient. Here are the first few rows:
                      building.type  sq.ft kwh.elec mlbs.steam mcf.gas kwh.sq.ft lbs.sq.ft cf.sq.ft
Apartments, Houses        Residence 114320   598552         NA    1093      5.24        NA     0.95
407-409 Craig Street Administrative  10118   247560         NA      95     24.47        NA     0.93
6555 Penn Ave        Administrative  99369   538120         NA    3668      5.42        NA     3.69
Alumni Hall          Administrative   8223   107446        783      37     13.07      9.52     0.44
Baker/Porter               Academic 227617  2842770      21778      NA     12.49      9.56       NA
We can learn a lot about this dataset just by looking at pairs. Let's start with electricity consumption (kwh.elec) versus building size (sq.ft):
predict.plot(kwh.elec~sq.ft, x)

We get the expected result that bigger buildings consume more electricity. To get more detail, we can apply the bulge rule to transform these variables. A log transformation on both variables seems good:
predict.plot(log(kwh.elec)~log(sq.ft), x)

The relationship is quite linear in the log domain. The least-squares fit is
> lm(log(kwh.elec)~log(sq.ft), x)

(Intercept)   log(sq.ft)  
      2.808        0.993  
Taking the slope as 1, this means that kwh.elec = sq.ft*exp(2.808), or that the ratio kwh.elec/sq.ft is approximately 16.6 across campus.

Energy efficiency

The variable kwh.sq.ft is defined to be this "energy efficiency" ratio kwh.elec/sq.ft. Buildings which deviate from this number are the interesting cases. So let's try to regress it on the other variables. We can plot multiple pairs at once using the command
predict.plot(kwh.sq.ft ~ ., x)

From this we see that many variables correlate with the energy efficiency. For example, the "steam efficiency" lbs.sq.ft:

> fit <- lm(kwh.sq.ft~lbs.sq.ft,x)
> fit

lm(formula = kwh.sq.ft ~ lbs.sq.ft, data = x)

(Intercept)    lbs.sq.ft  
     12.074        1.084  
The slope is 1, which is interesting since it implies that energy efficiency moves together with steam efficiency. However, there is a fair bit of noise off of the line; how can we be sure that this effect is real? One approach is to test against the null hypothesis that the slope is zero. The result of this test can be found in the output of summary(fit):
> summary(fit)

lm(formula = kwh.sq.ft ~ lbs.sq.ft, data = x)

    Min      1Q  Median      3Q     Max 
-14.807  -9.328  -2.106   4.565  55.095 

            Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)  
(Intercept)  12.0740     6.2727   1.925   0.0667 .
lbs.sq.ft     1.0845     0.7494   1.447   0.1614  
Signif. codes:  0 `***' 0.001 `**' 0.01 `*' 0.05 `.' 0.1 ` ' 1 

Residual standard error: 14.02 on 23 degrees of freedom
Multiple R-Squared: 0.08345,    Adjusted R-squared: 0.0436 
F-statistic: 2.094 on 1 and 23 DF,  p-value: 0.1614 
It says that the estimated slope has a probability 0.16 of occurring under the null hypothesis, which isn't unlikely enough for us to say with confidence that the slope is nonzero.


However, this test might be unduly influenced by the outlier at the top of the plot. This outlier makes it look like the data is noisier than it really is. We can identify the outlier by using the identify option to predict.plot:
Left click to identify, right click to exit. Clicking on the outlier reveals that it is Cyert Hall, home of Computing Services at CMU. It uses quite a lot of electricity relative to its size. Because we can explain this outlier, we are justified in removing it and doing a new analysis:
x2 <- x[setdiff(rownames(x),"Cyert Hall"),]
fit <- lm(kwh.sq.ft~lbs.sq.ft,x2)
The summary now gives a p-value of 1%, so the relationship between lbs.sq.ft and kwh.sq.ft is statistically significant.

Tree measurements

Instead of just pairs, we would like to use all of the predictors together. Let's try this on the following dataset of tree measurements:
  Girth Height Volume
1   8.3     70   10.3
2   8.6     65   10.3
3   8.8     63   10.2
4  10.5     72   16.4
5  10.7     81   18.8
For logging, it is useful to know how much lumber you will get from a tree of known girth and height. We start with a predict.plot:

Both variables correlate with Volume. To fit a multiple regression model, we call lm with both predictors:
> fit <- lm(Volume~.,trees)
> fit <- lm(Volume~Girth+Height,trees)
> fit

(Intercept)        Girth       Height  
   -57.9877       4.7082       0.3393  
To see how well we've done, we plot each predictor against the residuals of the fit. This is done by giving the linear model to predict.plot:

The residuals have a bulge downwards for each predictor. This suggests that we transform the response. A log transformation is too much; we are left with an upward bulge. A square root is not enough. In fact, the best transformation is cube root (p=1/3), which we might have guessed from the units of volume compared to girth and height. Here is the result:
predict.plot(lm(Volume^(1/3) ~ Height + Girth,trees))

There is no structure left in the residuals, and the R-squared is 97.8%.

From geometry, you might argue that the correct relationship is Volume = Height*Girth^2. In the log domain, this means log(Volume) = log(Height) + 2*log(Girth). Let's try this:

> lm(log(Volume) ~ log(Height) + log(Girth),trees)

(Intercept)  log(Height)   log(Girth)  
     -6.632        1.117        1.983  
Yes, the geometry seems to be correct. Interestingly, the R-squared of this fit is 97.8%, the same as above.


To estimate a multiple linear regression model, we minimize the sum of squares: sum_i (yi - a - b1*xi1 - b2*xi2 - ...)^2. There are various computational methods to do this minimization. One of them is the backfitting method described for response tables on day25. If we fix all of the coefficients except one, then the least-squares problem is the same as simple linear regression for that one coefficient. If we are estimating b1, then the responses being fit are the partial residuals (y - a - b2*x2), and similarly for estimating b2. These are the same partial residuals that arose in response tables. The backfitting algorithm is to regress the partial residuals onto each predictor in a round-robin fashion until the coefficients converge. As in response tables, this algorithm gives a useful perspective on what the coefficients mean. They describe the additional effect of the predictor. Coefficient b1 is the slope of the partial residuals with respect to x1, which is not necessarily the same as the slope of the response with respect to x1 that you would see in a predict.plot

Cement data

Let's try a more complex dataset. This one has four predictors:
  x1 x2 x3 x4     y
1  7 26  6 60  78.5
2  1 29 15 52  74.3
3 11 56  8 20 104.3
4 11 31  8 47  87.6
5  7 52  6 33  95.9
The response y is the heat evolved in setting cement, and the predictors are the proportions of active ingredients in the cement. The four of them should add to 100 (but usually less due to rounding). Here is the predict.plot:

This shows that all predictors are correlated with the response, and that (x1,x2) are positively related while (x3,x4) are negative. Let's make a linear fit and see which predictors are relevant:
> fit <- lm(y ~ x1 + x2 + x3 + x4, cement)
> summary(fit)

            Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)  
(Intercept)  62.4054    70.0710   0.891   0.3991  
x1            1.5511     0.7448   2.083   0.0708 .
x2            0.5102     0.7238   0.705   0.5009  
x3            0.1019     0.7547   0.135   0.8959  
x4           -0.1441     0.7091  -0.203   0.8441  
Signif. codes:  0 `***' 0.001 `**' 0.01 `*' 0.05 `.' 0.1 ` ' 1 

Residual standard error: 2.446 on 8 degrees of freedom
Multiple R-Squared: 0.9824,     Adjusted R-squared: 0.9736 
F-statistic: 111.5 on 4 and 8 DF,  p-value: 4.756e-007 
According to this summary, none of the predictors have a statistically significant effect on the response. How can this be? The p-value for each predictor assumes that the other predictors are in the model. The predictors are linearly related by the fact that they sum to 100. Therefore each predictor seems irrelevant when you know the other three. This illustrates a danger in trying to interpret p-value summaries.

A more robust way to determine relevant variables is to fit models with different variables included and see which one is best. In doing this, we have to be careful about the meaning of "best". If we just look at the performance on the training data, via R-squared or the sum of squares, then we will favor the model which includes all of the predictors. Just as in building a tree, more complex models always win on the training data. To truly decide among models we have to infer what will happen on future data. Cross-validation could be used for this, but it is expensive. For linear regression, learning theory is a practical alternative.

There are various refinements of the theory of linear regression (some of which I am developing), but basically everyone agrees that more coefficients allow you to overfit more. So one has to strike a balance between the fit on the training set (sum of squares) and the number of coefficients. One criterion which embodies this tradeoff is the AIC: (p is the number of coefficients)

AIC = (sum of squares) + 2*p
To find the model minimizing AIC, use the function step. It works by stepwise selection: predictors are tentatively dropped or added, the change being accepted if the AIC goes down. Here is the result on the cement data:
> fit <- lm(y ~ x1 + x2 + x3 + x4, cement)
> fit <- step(fit)
Start:  AIC= 26.94 
 y ~ x1 + x2 + x3 + x4 

       Df Sum of Sq    RSS    AIC
- x3    1     0.109 47.973 24.974
- x4    1     0.247 48.111 25.011
- x2    1     2.972 50.836 25.728
              47.864 26.944
- x1    1    25.951 73.815 30.576

Step:  AIC= 24.97 
 y ~ x1 + x2 + x4 

       Df Sum of Sq    RSS    AIC
               47.97  24.97
- x4    1      9.93  57.90  25.42
- x2    1     26.79  74.76  28.74
- x1    1    820.91 868.88  60.63
In the first iteration, it tries to drop each predictor in turn. Notice how the RSS (sum of squares) always increases when a predictor is dropped. But dropping x3 increases the RSS only slightly, and the net effect is that AIC drops by two, since there is one coefficient less. This change is therefore accepted and we arrive at the model y ~ x1 + x2 + x4. Dropping another predictor now increases AIC so the procedure stops.


Functions introduced in this lecture:
Tom Minka
Last modified: Tue Dec 11 14:02:56 Eastern Standard Time 2001