Day 11 - More applications of abstraction

Today we discussed three more applications of abstraction.

Interactive museum table

The first was an interactive museum exhibit. The exhibit lets you take a virtual tour of architecturally interesting buildings. The views are quite realistic, despite the fact that these buildings don't exist. See the web page describing the Presentation Table project.

The exhibit is controlled by an ordinary red disk on an ordinary table. A camera watches the table from above and figures out where the disk is. The tracking of the disk is done purely based on color with simple statistical methods. First, a training set is collected by cropping the disk out of a few images. All of the disk pixels are put into a batch, representing a sample from the "disk pixel population". Each pixel has three numbers which describe its color. The three numbers are the amounts of each primary color: red, green, and blue. Therefore the pixel population is a distribution in three-dimensional space.

Given a new image, we want to classify the pixels as "disk" or "not disk". We can do this for each pixel by computing the probability that the pixel arises from the disk pixel population. If the distribution is represented by a histogram over colors, then we would just find the bin that the new pixel falls into and look up the probability for that bin. If the probability is high enough, the pixel is classified as "disk".

The abstraction problem here is what binning to use for the histogram. We could evenly divide red, green, and blue into 4 bins, giving 4*4*4 = 64 bins total. This is what was done in the tiger/flower example. But it won't necessarily give good results here. We need to maximize our ability to discriminate the colors on the disk from those that are not. Too few bins will make it hard to discriminate. But too many bins will make our estimate of the population probabilities very noisy. For example, some of the bins may be empty, even though the population probability is non-zero.

The appropriate abstraction principle here is the "beyond" principle. We want to treat the training data as one group and compare future data to it, as a whole. Another way to see it is that we want the probability histogram to be as accurate as possible and reflect the major distinctions in the color probabilities, while smoothing over noise. We can implement this principle by merging color bins with similar density. Because it is a three-dimensional histogram, we cannot use the bhist.merge function, but the basic algorithm would be the same.

The actual system took a different approach. Instead of smoothing the histogram by merging, the population probabilities were assumed to follow a normal distribution (actually a tri-variate normal distribution). This strong assumption eliminates the empty bin problem and makes it very easy to compute the probability of a new pixel, since no table needs to be stored. However, since the population is unlikely to be truly normal, the discrimination is probably not quite as good as a histogram.

Time series change-points

A time series is a set of measurements which are ordered in time. Many time series have the property that they have roughly the same value for a period of time, then switch to another value, then switch again. A natural question for this kind of time series is "where did the changes occur?" This is called change-point analysis.

In fact, change-point analysis is just a clustering problem. We can apply the methods we have already learned, almost without modification. Suppose we divide the time series into time ranges R1, R2, etc. Within each range, the time series has a mean value. The sum-of-squares about this mean value is the scatter of the region. The sum of the region scatters measures the quality of the division into regions. A division with lower sum-of-squares is more likely to correspond to the true change-points.

The find the best division of the time series, we can start by making each point is own region. Then merge regions which are adjacent in time so that the sum-of-squares is minimum. This is exactly the same as Ward's method, except for the time-adjacency constraint. k-means works, too.

Below is a plot of the water level of lake Huron each year from 1875-1972.

The time series has lots of structure, but it is difficult to see it from this plot. Here is the result of running Ward's method to get two regions:

It appears that a major change happened after the first 16 years. The blue lines are the average water level in each region. The merging trace suggests six regions is also interesting. Here is the result of stopping Ward's method at six regions:

This plot suggests that the water level after the first 16 years has been oscillating between two different values, with variable amounts of time between changes. There also seems to be a mini-oscillation on top of this one.

Here is the R code to make these plots:

x <- as.numeric(LakeHuron)
plot(x,type="l",main="Lake Huron annual water level",xlab="year",ylab="level")

Regression with many interacting predictors

Clustering can also be used to simplify regression problems. For example, suppose we want to predict the price of a house based on various attributes like number of rooms, distance to employment, and neighborhood type. These predictors interact, e.g. the number of rooms might not be as important if the neighborhood has lots of crime. We don't expect a simple linear regression approach to work.

The figure below shows a scatterplot of price versus each of 12 predictor variables in a dataset of house prices in Boston. Each data point is an aggregate over several houses in a small area. These plots are useful for determining which predictors are relevant. The green line shows the overall trend. A trend upward or downward means a variable is relevant to price. Apparently, most of the predictors are relevant, at least in specific regions. However, these scatter plots don't show how the variables interact in predicting price.

By clustering the response variable, price in this case, we can divide the data into simpler sub-populations. We can then analyze the detailed behavior within the sub-populations, or make gross comparisons between the sub-populations. The appropriate principle in this case is the within principle. Below is a histogram of the price variable along with the breaks found by k-means:

The breaks seem pretty reasonable. However, there is something strange about this histogram. The last bin is unusually large. In fact, 16 of the data points have price exactly equal to "50", corresponding to $50,000. Most likely, the actual prices are greater, but simply rounded down to 50. Therefore we might want to split off this bin into a separate cluster.

To get an idea of how the predictors interact, we can make a scatterplot two of them, coloring the points according to which price bin they fall into. Effectively, we see three variables in the same plot. Here is "number of rooms" versus "lower-income status":

The price categories, from lowest to highest, are colored black, red, green, dark blue, and light blue. There is clearly a relationship between the lower-income status and the number of rooms, but that is of secondary interest. The important aspect is that the main difference between the lowest priced homes and the rest is lower-income status, while the main difference among the higher-priced homes is the number of rooms. In fact, if you look back at the plots of rm vs. price and lstat vs. price, both have a change in slope at price 20 (halfway through the red class), with rm becoming more important for higher priced homes.

Tom Minka
Last modified: Wed Sep 26 13:52:11 Eastern Daylight Time 2001