SICP stream examples in Haskell

Suppose we want to write two functions:
  1. A function that multiplies the squares of the odd elements of a list
  2. A function that sums the odd fibonacci numbers up to n
On the surface they look different, and indeed a naive implementation would produce very different code. However, there is a commonality, if we look at the problems in terms of data-flow:
mul_odd_squares sum_odd_fibs
Enumerate the elements of a list Enumerate the integers from 1 to n
Filter them, selecting the odd ones Compute the fibonacci number for each
Compute the square of each Filter them, selecting the odd ones
Accumulate the results using *, starting with 1 Accumulate the results using +, starting with 0

So here's how we implement them in a unified way:

square x = x*x
mul_odd_squares xs = foldl (*) 1 (map square (filter odd xs))

fib x = if (x < 2) then x else (fib (x-1)) + (fib (x-2))
sum_odd_fibs n = foldl (+) 0 (filter odd (map fib [1..n]))

Now if we want to, say, compute the product of the squares of the first n fibonacci numbers:

mul_sqr_fibs n = foldl (*) 1 (map square (map fib [1..n]))

To really get into functional style, we can use the composition operator:

mul_odd_squares = (foldl (*) 1) . (map square) . (filter odd)
sum_odd_fibs n = ((foldl (+) 0) . (filter odd) . (map fib)) [1..n]

An example of delayed evaluation is creating the infinite list of fibonacci numbers:

add_lists x y = zipWith (+) x y
fibs = 0:1:(add_lists (tail fibs) fibs)

Haskell's list comprehension syntax makes it easy to do nested mappings:

prime_sum_pairs n = [(i,j,i+j) | i <- [1..n], j <- [1..i], prime (i+j)]

-- implementing the "prime" predicate, however, is a bit tricky:
multipleOf x y = (mod y x) == 0   -- True if y is a multiple of x
prime :: Int -> Bool
prime n = let find_prime (x:xs) | (square x) > n = True
              find_prime (x:xs) | multipleOf x n = False
              find_prime (x:xs) = find_prime xs
          in  find_prime primes

-- two definitions of the infinite list of primes:
primes = 2:(filter prime [3..])

primes = sieve [2..]
sieve (x:xs) = x:(sieve (filter (not . (multipleOf x)) xs))  -- Ratso's sieve

remove x = filter (/= x)
permutations [] = [[]]
permutations xs = [x:p | x <- xs, p <- permutations (remove x xs)]

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