Robotic F.A.C.E.: PIC C code
for the mouth iRX board.
////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // // This code written by Mark Newman (, // // with a little help from Stefan Marti ( // // for the Robotic F.A.C.E. project // // // // Copyright (C) 2003 MIT Media Laboratory // // // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #include <16F84.H> #include "Math32.c" // Configure PIC to use: HS clock, no Watchdog Timer, // no code protection, enable Power Up Timer // #fuses HS,NOWDT,NOPROTECT,PUT // Tell compiler clock is 10MHz. This is required for delay_ms() // and for all serial I/O (such as printf(...). These functions // use software delay loops, so the compiler needs to know the // processor speed. // #use DELAY(clock=10000000) // Declare that we'll manually establish the data direction of // each I/O pin on port B. // #use fast_io(B) #use fast_io(A) // Standard definitions for the irx2_1 board // #define RS232_XMT PIN_B1 // (output) RS232 serial transmit #define RED_LED PIN_B2 // (output) Red LED (low true) #define IR_LED PIN_B3 // (output) Infrared LED (low true) #define IR_SENSOR PIN_B4 // (input) IR sensor (Sharp IS1U30) #define RS232_RCV PIN_B5 // (input) RS232 serial receive // Macros to simplify I/O operations // #define RED_LED_ON output_low(RED_LED) #define RED_LED_OFF output_high(RED_LED) #define IR_LED_ON output_low(IR_LED) #define IR_LED_OFF output_high(IR_LED) #define IR_RECEIVED (!input(IR_SENSOR)) // Inform printf() and friends of the desired baud rate // and which pins to use for serial I/O. // #use rs232(baud=9600, xmit=RS232_XMT, rcv=RS232_RCV) int motor, pwm, speed; char ms[4]; char Time0[4]; char Time1[4]; #int_rtcc clock_isr() { inc32(ms); pwm++; if (pwm == speed) pwm = 0; if (motor && pwm < 8) output_high(PIN_A2); else output_low(PIN_A2); } void Move(int dir) { // output_high(PIN_A2); motor = 1; if (dir) output_low(PIN_A1); else output_high(PIN_A1); } void Stop() { // output_low(PIN_A2); motor = 0; } int AtEnd(int dir) { if (dir) return input(PIN_A4); return input(PIN_A3); } void MoveToEnd(int dir) { Move(dir); while (!AtEnd(dir)) {} Stop(); } int Comm() { char c; if (kbhit()) { c = getc(); if ((c & 15) == 4) { speed = (c >> 5) + 8; return 1; } } return 0; } void main() { char c, curr, dest; char target[4]; char delay[4]; // since we've declared #use fast_io(B) (above), we MUST // include a call to set_tris_b() at startup. // set_tris_b(0b00110000); set_tris_a(0b00011000); output_high(PIN_B7); speed = 8; pwm = 0; motor = 0; zero32(ms); set_rtcc(0); setup_counters(RTCC_INTERNAL, RTCC_DIV_32); enable_interrupts(INT_RTCC); enable_interrupts(GLOBAL); RED_LED_ON; // reality check at startup delay_ms(200); RED_LED_OFF; delay_ms(200); c = getc(); // Serial check at startup RED_LED_ON; delay_ms(200); RED_LED_OFF; MoveToEnd(1); MoveToEnd(0); zero32(ms); MoveToEnd(1); move32(Time1, ms); zero32(ms); MoveToEnd(0); move32(Time0, ms); RED_LED_ON; curr = 0; while (1) { while(!Comm()) {} dest = getc(); if (dest == 2) { output_low(PIN_B7); putchar(3); output_high(PIN_B7); } else if ((dest & 5) == 4) { output_low(PIN_B7); putchar(2); output_high(PIN_B7); RED_LED_ON; if (dest & 8) curr = 255; else curr = 1; Move(dest & 8); while (!AtEnd(dest & 8)) { if (Comm()) { c = getc(); output_low(PIN_B7); putchar(2); output_high(PIN_B7); } } } else if (dest & 1) { output_low(PIN_B7); putchar(2); output_high(PIN_B7); zero32(ms); // Zero timer RED_LED_ON; if (dest < curr) { curr = curr - dest; move32(target, Time0); Move(0); } else if (dest > curr) { curr = dest - curr; move32(target, Time1); Move(1); } else curr = 0; mult32byte(target, curr); // Time move will take move32(delay, target); mult32byte(delay, speed << 5); // Aditional time due to PWM add32(target, delay); // Total delay time while (lt32(ms, target)) { if (Comm()) { c = getc(); output_low(PIN_B7); putchar(2); output_high(PIN_B7); } } curr = dest; } Stop(); RED_LED_OFF; } }