The Media Laboratory




Massachusetts Institute                                                                          Chris Schmandt

of Technology                                                                                         Speech Interface Group

20 Ames Street, E15-327                                                                         617-253-5156

Cambridge, Massachusetts                                                                    email:

02139                                                                                                      FAX:  617-258-6264



May 31, 2001


Professor Stephen A. Benton, Ph.D.

Head, Program in Media Arts and Sciences

Massachusetts Institute of Technology



Dear Professor Benton,


I have discussed the attached general exam proposal material prepared by Stefan Marti, and believe that it meets the requirements of the DCGS. The exam committee consists of the following areas:


Main area:

User Interface Design for Small Mobile Communication Devices

Christopher M. Schmandt, Examination Chair

Principal Research Scientist, Program in Media Arts and Sciences

Massachusetts Institute of Technology


Technical area:

Common Sense Reasoning and Intelligent User Interfaces

Henry Lieberman

Research Scientist, Ph.D., Media Laboratory

Massachusetts Institute of Technology


Contextual area:

Human Interaction with Autonomous Entities

Bradley Rhodes

Research scientist, Ph.D.

Ricoh Innovations, Inc., Menlo Park, CA







Chris Schmandt