Single View Modeling

uncalibrated view. This image was provided by Peter Broadwell.
59K mpeg miniature
animation of the resulting 3-D textured scene.
Here's the 461K gzipped version of the 2.3M OpenInventor ASCII file. Warning: it has lots of texture. For best results when using SGI's SceneViewer use
"Sorted Blended Transparency", turn off all lights and turn up ambient
light intensity to 100%.
NOTE: My surfaces are defined as rectangular RGBA
images. I then render using alpha-Z-buffering to properly visualize
non-rectangular polygons. I also use my own camera definition which
supports lens distortion and off center principal point. Because of my
non-standard scene and camera model OpenInventor has two difficulties
in rendering my scenes.
1. Polygon visibility is incorrect. I believe that the only viewing
option in OpenInventor that supports alpha'ed textures, renders
polygons in back to front order. Since some of my polygons are large,
often no sorting exists to maintain proper visibility by sorting alone
so the results will look weird in OpenInventor until I break up
surfaces into non-overlapping polygons.
2. OpenInventor fails to reproduce a view that exactly matches the
original image. I have yet to figure out how to apply a shear matrix
to the provided Inventor camera to support off center principal
Here's a 461K gzipped wrl file of the
same thing. It looks pretty bad on WebSpace for the above reasons, but
you get the general idea.