Sumit Basu's Music


NEW (05/27/2000):

I finally finished my first album, under the band name deepoceanblue! It's called "eight twenty-nine six" and is available at as All tracks are available for free play/download. If you have the bandwidth for it, please play it directly from that site/download the songs every time (I get "points" everytime that happens, which brings me that much closer to the alternative top 40 :)

I hope you enjoy it. I'm especially proud of the first two tracks, "Pretty Pretty" and "Jackie." As always, feedback is greatly appreciated. If you like it at all or can think of anyone else who would, please inform your friends/enemies far and wide!


Here's a self-indulgent little page about my music. I'm actively seeking band members at the moment, so if this stuff grooves with you and you'd like to join forces, drop me a line! I do keyboards, vocals, and a little bit of guitar.

This is just a small sampling of what I've done - there are 22 other songs in the works right now!! (though most are probably better left in the works)


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