Who am I?

I am an electrical engineer working for a small semiconductor company in Montreal, Canada. I currently work in telecom, and have worked with digital audio. I'm interested in acoustics, music, and audiology. I have lived in Canada, USA (Boston) and Denmark (Copenhagen). This page is hosted by my former stomping grounds, the Media Lab at Massachusetts Institute of Technology, where I did my Master's degree in the Music, Mind and Machine (formally Machine Listening) Group (2002). More about my research can be found here. I graduated from McGill University in Montreal, Canada with a Bachelor's degree in Electrical Engineering, minor Arts in 2000.           

My hobbies are music and sports.  I have been playing classical piano for many many years and clarinet for 10 years.  Music camp ( Camp Encore/Coda) was the best thing that I ever did to nourish my love of music. I love listening to live music, usually classical and jazz.

I also enjoy running, swimming, skiing, running, skating and badminton. Oh and running. Wait. I already said that.

Some Road Race Results (this is not to show off, but rather a place for me to store my own results...) 
2007 Berlin Marathon 4:28:27 525 in age group 23601 overall. Results
Nike 10km Test Run: 53:04 211/547 women (Copenhagen DK, February 2007)
Tufts Healthplan 10km: 57:13  496/1529 F20-29, 1483/6050 overall (Boston, MA, October 2006)
HBC Run for Canada 10km: 53:29 41/169 women, 16/51 F19-29, 184/394 overall
Marathon in Israel...
Tiberias Marathon (ISRAEL, January 8, 2004)

Hooray! I did it! Maine Marathon (Portland, ME, October 7, 2001)
Jim Kane Sugar Bowl 5 Miler (Boston, MA, July 2001)
10k PR...James Joyce Ramble (Dedham, MA, April 2001)
Finally!! A 10k!! Tufts Healthplan 10k (Boston, October 2000)
Course Populaire Lasalle 5km + 2km (March 2000)
Ile Bizard Blizzard Run 5km (Feb. 2000)
Great Raisin River 5km (1999)
Carleton Place 5km (1999)