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my alphabetical friends - past, present, extratemporal:

A1: You are brilliant, you are kind. And you make heads turn. Can I share a secret with you?

A2: You are a wise-ass and I love you for all your imperfections. We also share the passion for crappy French music of the days long past.

A3: You know the secret of groove. And the TRUE meaning of Agada. And you are a child forever. What else one needs?

A4: Lucky is the (Swedish) girl who will catch you. You have enough warmth in you to stop her people from flocking to Spain.

C1: I'm not even sure if you are a friend but I surely hope so. Walking and swimming with you is like with no one else.

J1: You evoke feelings I otherwise would have never had. You show me so much. You often hide. I always find you.

I1: How many can say that they've known a friend of theirs all their life? There are a few things that only you know about me. It's because of our friendship that I want 3 kids.

M1: You are a great friend, one that I feel I can fully trust. We are a proof that a platonic man-woman friendship can exist.

N1: We don't talk these days almost at all. We are so far and you probably shouldn't even be on this list. I miss you even though you don't believe anyone could miss you.

S1: You have the most gentle and wonderful soul, and your letters evoke such memories. I learned a lot.

S2: Having known me longer than almost any others, you still talk to me. I always feel happy to hear your voice and regret how childish I was back then. Your monsters are the cutest ones in the world.

T1: Your excitement over the little things is so beautiful and gentle. Your hand, throughout the frozen winter darkness, is warm.

Y1: You have the grace, the sweetness, the talent, and mostly, that look in your eyes. Listening to the rain with your tea in hand is beautiful.


And also.. B1, I2, K1, M2, S3, S4, V1, and others - I will write to you too. Just give me time.

Z1, rest in peace. Why did you go away so young.