Dogs (and pets in general) love to love.
Even blond girls, they too, want to be held tight and not let go.
the moment of brightness makes nothing clear:
(but T knows where the neck begins and where it ends)
E, on the other hand, knows that what matters is eyes. Where you look is relative, what you see is not. A realist for tonight:
As E faces the wall, others face the anarchy behind. The curls, the swirls:
On a different planet, E was a pirate and A danced tango. Desperation Unbecoming Innocence - DUI:
Watson, pointing out the nature of physical matter written on his shirt, mediates:
The following, is one of the truly powerful ones. I love this picture; first shot of a movie in the making:
Then there are the miscellaneous:
singing sirens -
beat(nik) italians -
even repairwork servers -
The second part of the movie, a duo of pictures, a dance of sorts. The most intense of all:
P is nothing but a hat:
Unless, feeling lonely, he confides in what he really is - and what A knows -
blondie blonds, cameratic cams, all follow around. stop already, getting dizzy, DOCTOR.
The third, final part of the movie, although by no means a finale, is where lipstick (thanks Doctor) is reapplied;
it is the most gentle shot of the story:
an obligatory shot of the owner concludes our broadcast for tonight: