Tutorial: Mobile Software Agents for Dynamic Routing

Kwindla Hultman Kramer, Nelson Minar, and Pattie Maes

This paper is available as

We have written a series of papers we are writing about mobile agents for routing on multi-hop, dynamic networks. This paper is published in volume 3 number 2 of the ACM SIGMOBILE publication Mobile Computing and Communications Review (MC2R). Their version is more nicely formatted.


As portable digital devices of all kinds proliferate, wireless networks that allow for flexible, timely and efficient data communication become more and more important. Networks for mobile devices are quite difficult to design for several reasons, chief among them the problem of routing packets across networks characterized by constantly changing topology. In this article we describe ways to address the routing problem using a new technique for distributed programming, mobile software agents.

BiBTeX Citation

  author =       {Kwindla Hultman Kramer and Nelson Minar and Pattie Maes},
  title =        {Tutorial: Mobile Software Agents for Dynamic Routing},
  journal =      {Mobile Computing and Communications Review},
  year =         {1999},
  volume =       {3},
  number =       {2},
  pages =        {12--16},
  url =          {http://nelson.www.media.mit.edu/people/nelson/research/routes-sigmobile/}


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Nelson Minar Created: Jun 10, 1999
<nelson@media.mit.edu> Updated: June 10, 1999