Multiple Stories

A study of using transparency and blurring to fit several news stories
on one screen. The image above is a small version - it's linked to a
full 1280x1024 screen shot. Colours look best when the room is dark.
The program itself is interactive - when the user clicks on a story in
the background it comes forward and swaps with the currently active
The images were generated on an SGI. I wrote a program based on
Performer 1.2 and
David Small's
C++ wrappers. Coding was pretty straightforward. I wrote two source
files: a Story class that wraps up the components of a story and a
main file that lays out the stories and manages the interaction.
- Story.hxx, the header file for the Story
- Story.cxx, implementation of story
- main.cxx, the application class that
creates stories and manages user interaction
Nelson Minar <>
Last modified: Fri Feb 28 19:23:40 EST 1997