Since I have finished my master at Harvard that I am looking into Learning, Theater and Technology. I had worked with Director 8 from Macromedia to create a tool called Virtual Forum Theater. Director is not enough to accomplish the goals of my project, so I moved on to Java.
I just finished an interdisciplinary
PhD at Tufts under the
PhD Dissertation (Feb, 2008). Virtual Forum Theater: Creating and sharing
drama to resolve conflicts.
Developing a collaborative Theater and Technology
TUFTS Assignments - Tech Tools for Learning
VFT&Boal-Brecht presented at the Pedagogy of the
Oppressed Conference -
VFT Poster presented at Tufts University Center for Children (TUCC) - May 2004
Chaired "Panel Digital Media Production and Social Change" and presented "Virtual Forum Theater: Creating and Sharing Drama to Resolve Conflicts" at Digital Media and Learning Conference, San Diego, February 2010. Click here to check the slidecast of the presentation
Cavallo, A & Ayers, C.M. (1984). “Informatizacao e Pesquisa
Tecnico-Cientifica – Uma Aplicacao
em Projetos de Pesquisa Mineral”. VII Congresso Nacional de Informatica,
SUCESU, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, November, 1984.
Cavallo, A. (2003). “An investigation into
ways that cultural gender roles interfere with the learning of science and
engineering”. EuroLogo 2003 ( Porto – Portugal.
Cavallo, A. & Couch, A. (2003). “ Researching and designing learning environments with internet technology” International Conference on Multimedia and ICTs in Education Badajoz-Spain, 2003 (
Cavallo, A. & Couch, A. (2004). Virtual Forum Theater:
a CSCL for underprivileged children. XXXI SEMISH -
Integrated Seminar of Software and Hardware.
Cavallo, A. (2003). “ Researching and designing learning environments with internet technology”, Poster at XIV SBIE-Brazilian Conference of Informatics in Education RJ-Brazil, 2003.
Cavallo, D., Blikstein, P., Sipitakiat, A., Cavallo, A. et. al. (2004). “The City that We Want: Generative Themes, Constructionist Technologies and School/Social Change.” Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies, ICALT’04.
Cavallo, A. (2004). Applying Brecht’s and Boal’s Theories to
Virtual Forum Theater. Presented at the 10th
Annual Pedagogy & Theater of the Oppressed International Conference.
Cavallo,A., Couch, A., Chow, M., Horn, M. (2005). “Virtual
Forum Theatre – A CSCL Environment for Scenario Generation and Rehearsal
for Change.” Presented at Computer Assisted Learning –
Cavallo,A., Couch,A. (2007) “Design-based research on virtual forum
theatre.” Presented at Computer Assisted Learning –
Cavallo, A. (2007). “Virtual Forum Theater: Sharing thoughts and
experience online to solve conflicts.” Presented
in the symposium Developmental Technologies: Positive uses of technology for
youth learning and development at the 2007 Society of Research in Child
Development Conference,
Cavallo,A., Couch,A. (2008). Virtual Forum Theater: collaborative playmaking to explore unjust situations In: 15th International Conference of the Association for Learning Technology - ALT-C 2008: Rethinking the Digital Divide, 2008, Leeds.
Research Grant from
Unpublished Paper:
Cavallo,A., Couch, A., Chow, M., Horn, M. (2005). “Social factors affecting the design of CSCL environments: preliminary observations”.