CSE 391/591:
Syllabus -- Fall 2008
# |
Date |
Lecture Slides
1 |
9/2 |
Course Introduction (slides) |
2 |
9/4 |
Matlab Tutorial |
Matlab Primer |
3 |
9/9 |
Face Detection: PCA (Eigenfaces) (slides) |
Turk, M. & Pentland, A. (1991). "Eigenfaces for recognition" Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 3, 71-86.
FP pgs. 505-512
4 |
9/11 |
matlab code |
5 |
9/16 |
Skin Detection (slides) |
FP pgs. 502-505
Michael J. Jones, James
Rehg, "Statistical color models with application to skin detection", International Journal of Computer Vision,
"A Survey on Pixel-Based Skin Color Detection
Techniques" Vladimir Vezhnevets, Vassili Sazonov, Alla
Andreeva |
PS #1 - Assigned |
6 |
9/18 |
Skin Detection - matlab
demonstration |
7 |
9/23 |
Problem Set #1 - discussion |
8 |
9/25 |
Image Morphing |
Heckbert, P.,
Fundamentals of Texture Mapping and Image Warping,
Masters Thesis, Dept. EECS UC Berkeley, June 1989.
PS #1 - Due |
9 |
9/30 |
-- University Holiday -- |
10 |
10/2 |
Global/Local Warps |
PS #2 - Assigned
11 |
10/7 |
Image Formation |
F&P ch.1 |
12 |
10/9 |
-- University Holiday -- |
13 |
10/14 |
Mosaics and Panoramas |
Paul Heckbert,
Projecting Mappings for Image Warping
Rick Szeliski,
"Image Alignment and Stitching, A
Tutorial (DRAFT)"
14 |
10/16 |
Problem Set 2 - Discusion |
PS #2 - Due |
15 |
10/21 |
Work on Project Proposals -- |
16 |
10/23 |
Image Blending, Image Pyramids |
Burt and Adelson,
"A Multiresolution Spline With Application to Image Mosaics,"
in ACM Trans. on Graphics, pp.2(4):217--236, October, 1983.
Burt and Adelson "The Laplacian Pyramid as a Compact Image Code",1983
17 |
10/28 |
Work on Project Proposals |
18 |
10/30 |
Local Features - Alex
Berg (Guest
Lecturer) |
C.Harris and M.Stephens. "A Combined Corner and Edge Detector." Proceedings of the 4th Alvey Vision Conference: pages 147--151.;
D.Lowe. “Distinctive Image Features from Scale-Invariant Keypoints”. Accepted to IJCV 2004
Scene Collages and Flexible
Camera Arrays
Brown, etal Multi-Image Matching using Multi-Scale Oriented Patches
19 |
11/4 |
Project Proposal Show and Tell |
20 |
11/6 |
Multi-Perspective Panoramas and
Automated Joiners |
L. Zelnik-Manor, G. Peters, P. Perona, Squaring the Circle in Panoramas, ICCV'05
Lihi Zelnik-Manor and Pietro Perona, Automating
joiners, NPAR 2007.
Aseem Agarwala, Maneesh Agrawala, Michael Cohen, David Salesin1, Rick Szeliski "Photographing long scenes with multi-viewpoint panoramas." ACM Transactions on Graphics (Proceedings of SIGGRAPH 2006), 2006.
Additional Reading: Scene Collages and Flexible
Camera Arrays
21 |
11/11 |
Single View Reconstruction |
Criminisi, I. Reid and A. Zisserman, “Single View Metrology” (ICCV 99)
Zisser And Mundy, appendix
“Tour into the Picture” (SIGGRAPH ’97) |
#3 - Assigned |
22 |
11/13 |
Multi View Reconstruction |
23 |
11/18 |
Modeling Light: Plenoptic Function & Lumigraph |
McMillan, Bishop "Plenoptic modeling: an image-based rendering system" Siggraph
SJ Gortler, R Grzeszczuk, R Szeliski, MF Cohen, "The Lumigraph" Siggraph 1996
Levoy and Hanrahan "Light Field Rendering" Siggraph 1996
Ng, Levoy, Brédif, Duval, Horowitz and Hanrahan,
"Light field photography using a handheld plenoptic
camera" Siggraph 2005 |
24 |
11/20 |
TensorTextures |
Vasilescu and Terzopoulos, "TensorTextures: Multilinear Image-Based Rendering" Siggraph 2004 |
25 |
11/25 |
Problem Set 3 - Discussion |
PS #3 - Due |
26 |
11/27 |
Thanksgiving |
27 |
12/2 |
Independent Work - Final Project |
28 |
12/4 |
Physically Based Modelling:
Image Processing, Surface Reconstruction, Liquid Modeling, Cloth Modeling |
Terzopoulos and Vasilescu, "Sampling and Reconstruction with Adaptive Meshes"Proceedings of the IEEE Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition Conference (CVPR’91), |
28 |
12/9 |
Independent Work - Final Project |
28 |
12/11 |
Final Project - Show and Tell |
28 |
12/15 |
Final Project - Show and Tell |
Possible Projects:
- Burt and Adelson,
"A Multiresolution Spline With Application to Image Mosaics,"
in ACM Trans. on Graphics, pp.2(4):217--236, October, 1983.
- Seitz and Dyer,
morphing," in Proc. SIGGRAPH 96, pp. 21--30.
- Blantz V, Vetter T. "A morphable model for the synthesis. of 3D faces." In Proceedings of SIGGRAPH’99, 1999; pp. 187–194.