Sensor Camera
(c) Kelly Heaton, Steve Gray and the MIT Media Laboratory, 1998.
(project description)
(MAS863 How To Make Almost Anything)


The Sensor Camera is a mechanical device with a digital recording system that is designed to capture a 360 degree "image" of a place. In the current version of the Sensor Camera, the data that is recorded contains information regarding the intensity of light across the UV, visible and IR spectrums; however, the author's intention is to add additional sensors to capture information about temperature, humidity, sound and depth (as perceived from the camera's perspective). The goal for the Sensor Camera is to provide a unique imaging system that represents information about an environment that is not achievable with ordinary photographic techniques. In other words, the objective is to take a picture of a place that cannot be captured with a normal camera. The Sensor Camera works in the following way: a stepper motor is controlled with a microprocessor to take incremental steps for each new sensor recording; and once the camera has accomplished a spherical scan of it's environment, the sensor data set is complete. During image capture, the data is stored in an EEPROM chip on the camera from which it can be later uploaded and developed using a computer program that is designed by the author. Unlike traditional photography, the numerical data set of light intensity readings must be interpreted in order to visualize the readings; and the software for data visualization is currently under development. Additonally, the author is designing an output device that will enable the data to be viewed in a spherical format, representative of the process by which it was originally captured.