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This lists includes conference and journal papers, as well as certain workshop, rejected or class papers. For more detail, please see my cv.

Under Consideration

Kaye, J. 'J'. and Sengers, P. The Evolution of Evaluation. Under consideration for HCI.


Taylor, A.S., Sellen, S., Kaye, J. 'J.' Izadi, S., and Brown, B., Supporting Family Awareness with the Whereabouts Clock. In Awareness Systems, P. Markopolous, Ed. Springer Velag, forthcoming.

Kaye, J. 'J.' LEGOs. In 'Falling for Science: Objects in Mind', S. Turkle, Ed. MIT Press forthcoming Spring 2009.


Brown, B. A. T., Taylor, A. S., Izadi, S., Sellen, A., Kaye, J. 'J.', Eardley, E.: Locating Family Values: A Field Trial of the Whereabouts Clock. (Best Paper Nominee). Proc. Ubicomp 2007: 354-371.

Brown, L. and Kaye, J. 'J.' Eggs-ploring the influence of material properties on haptic experience. Poster, Ext. Abs. HAID'07.

Gaw, S., Kaye, J. 'J.' and Wood, K. Screensaver for Note-Review. Poster, Ext. Abs. ESCSW'07

Gaver, W., P. Sengers, T. Kerridge, J. Kaye, and J. Bowers (2007). Enhancing Ubiquitous Computing with User Interpretation: Field Testing the Home Health Horoscope. Full Paper, Proc. CHI 2007 537-546.

Wyche, S.P., Taylor, A., and Kaye, J. 'J.' Pottering: A design-oriented investigation. Experience Report, Proc. CHI 2007 1893-1897.

Kaye, J. 'J'. Evaluating Experience-focused HCI. Doctoral Consortium, Ext. Abs. CHI 2007 1661-1664.

Kaye, J. 'J.', Boehner, K., Laaksolahti, J., and Ståhl, A. Evaluating Experience-focused HCI. SIG Ext. Abs. CHI 2007 2117-2120.

Kaye, J. 'J'.  Horoscopes: Valuing the Irrational.  Ambidextrous Magazine 2(1) Spring 2007


Kaye, J. 'J'. and Taylor, A.  What Does Science Know about Experience? Alternatives Approaches to Evaluating User Experience. NordiCHI 2006 Workshop: User Experience – Towards a unified view. Oslo, Norway, October 2006.

Rode, J. and Kaye, J. 'J.  Is to Nurture in Technology's Nature?  Ubicomp 2006 Workshop: Nurturing Technologies in the Domestic Environment:  Feeling Comforted, Cared for, and Connected at Home.  Long Beach, CA, September 2006.

Kaye, J. 'J.' Beyond Usability: Designing for Evaluating Experience DIS 2006 Workshop: Exploring the Interrelationships between the Design and Evaluation of Interactive Systems.  State College, PA, June 2006.

Kaye, J. 'J.', Vertesi, J., Avery, S., Dafoe, A., David, S., Onaga, L., Rosero, I., and Pinch, T. To Have and to Hold: Exploring the Personal Archive. Full Paper, Proc. CHI 2006.

Kaye, J. 'J'. I Just Clicked To Say I Love You: Rich Evaluations of Minimal Communication. alt.chi, Ext. Abs. CHI 2006.

Brewer, J., Kaye, J. 'J', Williams, A., Wyche, S. Sexual Interactions: Why we should talk about sex in HCI. Workshop Proposal, Ext. Abs. CHI 2006.

Leshed, G., and Kaye, J. 'J.' Understanding How Bloggers Feel: Recognizing Affect in Blog Posts. Ext. Abs. CHI 2006.


Sengers, P., Boehner, K., David, S., Kaye, J. 'J.' Reflective Design. Proceedings of the Critical Computing conference, Århus, 22-24 August 2005.

Kaye, Joseph 'Jofish'. I Just Clicked to Say I Love You: Rich Evaluations of Minimal Communication. Proceedings of the Less is More Conference. (Cambridge, UK, May 2005.)

Joseph 'Jofish' Kaye, Mariah K. Levitt, Jeffrey Nevins, Jessica Golden & Vanessa Schmitt. Communicating Intimacy One Bit at a Time. In CHI '05 Extended Abstracts on Human Factors in Computing Systems (Portland, OR, USA, April 02 - 07, 2005). CHI '05. ACM Press, New York, NY, 1529-1532.


Kirsten Boehner, Shay David, Joseph 'Jofish' Kaye & Phoebe Sengers. Critical Technical Practice as a Methodology for Values in Design. Paper accepted for CHI 2005 Workshop: Quality, Value(s) and Choice: Exploring Wider Implications of HCI Practice. April 2004.

Joseph 'Jofish' Kaye. Intimate Objects: A site for affective evaluation.
CHI 2005 Workshop: Innovative Approaches to Evaluating Affective Interfaces. April 2004.

Critical Technical Practice: Selected Practitioners. Final Paper for INFO.634: Information Technology in Sociocultural Context. December 2004.

Joseph 'Jofish' Kaye. William G. Broughton: One Radio Ham. Final Paper, S&TS 525, History of Technology. Spring 2004. v2.0 Revised; presented at 4S/EASST in August 2004 (see talk in Operashow).

Joseph 'Jofish' Kaye and Liz Goulding. Intimate Objects. In Proceedings of the 2004 Conference on Designing interactive Systems: Processes, Practices, Methods, and Techniques (Cambridge, MA, USA, August 01 - 04, 2004). DIS '04. ACM Press, New York, NY, 341-344.

Phoebe Sengers, Joseph Kaye, Kirsten Boehner, Jeremiah Fairbank, Geri Gay, Eugene Medynskiy, and Susan Wyche. Culturally Embedded Computing. IEEE Pervasive Computing, Special Issue on Art & Design, 3(1) March-April 2004 14-21.

Joseph 'Jofish' Kaye (2004) Hacking: An underrepresented practice in STS. Final Paper, S&TS 532, Inside Technology.

Joseph 'Jofish' Kaye (2004) Writing a Machine: Technical Critical Practice. Final Paper, S&TS 711, Introductory Seminar in Science & Technology Studies.

Joseph 'Jofish' Kaye (2004) The Irrationality of Short Term Decision Making: Short & Long Term Ambient Displays & Data. Submitted to CHI 2004 Late Breaking Results - Short Paper. Eit. Refused.

Jeremiah Fairbank, Phoebe Sengers and Joseph 'Jofish' Kaye. Reflective Design. (2004) Submitted to DIS 2004. Eit. Refused.

Joseph 'Jofish' Kaye (2004) Making Scents: Aromatic Output for HCI. interactions 11(1) January+February 48-61.


Joseph Kaye. (2003) Computer-Controlled Smell Output. Perfumer and Flavorist, November-December 2003. As published (a pretty poor scan). Text as submitted. Sidebar: Current Offerings. Sidebar: Patents.

Joseph 'Jofish' Kaye. (2003) Social Considerations in Ambient Healthcare Awareness, CHI Workshop on Designing Culturally Situated Technologies for the Home, Spring 2003.


Genevieve Bell and Joseph 'Jofish' Kaye. Designing Technology For Domestic Spaces: A Kitchen Manifesto. Gastronomica 2(2) May 2002 42-62.


Joseph N. Kaye. (2001) Symbolic Olfactory Display Master's Thesis, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, May 2001.

Final (accepted) thesis proposal, Spring 2001

Beatrice Witzgall and Joseph 'Jofish' Kaye. (2001) Context As Output, MIT Student Journal of Planning, Spring 2001.

the olfactory display of abstract information v2.0. february 2001; short paper rejected from CHI


smell as media v3.5 december 2000; full paper rejected from CHI

Mr. Java. IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications June 2000 (with N. Matsakis of MIT)

prototyping smart appliances november 2000; white paper

spice at a distance february 2000; initial research proposal that became thesis


white paper on kitchen sync and counter intelligence v1. october 1998; white paper