Omni Marco Polo Hotel

22 Orange Grove Road, Singapore 1025.

Tel : 737 3644

1.) Parrots

Dinner :

Parrots has a special counter : The Chicken Rice.

You can ask the cheft to serve you the brest portion of the chicken and he will give you just that. You can also ask for the drum stick, chicken wings and etc.. There is the chicken soup and rice which you have to serve yourself. A variety of sauce like the soy sauce, garlic chilli sauce and ginger paste.

Parrots has quite a big salad bar : red beans, carrots, cabbages, bean sprouts, radish, cucumbers and so on. Choose from a variety of salad dressing like, coleslaw dressing, french dressing, salad cream, vineger and etc.. They also have sauce for making "rojak" with these ingredients.

Cold dishes are a must : duck, century eggs, squids, ham, beef, spring rolls and many others. Go there and have a look !

Oriental dishes include "Niang Tou Fu", sometimes in soup, sometimes in curry; sweep and sour pork, beef stew, pork stew, steamed fishes, steam vegetables, vegetables in oyster sauce, Singapore fried rice, chicken in cheese(?), mixed vegetables and meats, dim sum dishes and soup.

Now, the desserts ! They have the very best chocolate cakes in Singapore that you can't resist ! Cheese cakes, blueberry cakes, mango puddings, sago puddings, bread and butter pudding, "chng tng" and local fresh fruits.