Reading List
Background Readings
These are really great books to have. While readings will be handed out in class,
there are several books which I think you will find useful both for the course
and just as a general reference.
- Thomas, F and O. Johnson The Illusion of Life: Disney Animation. 1981
Hyperion Press New York
- Watt, A. and M. Watt. Advanced Animation and Rendering Techniques: Theory
and Practice. 1992 Addision Wesley.
- Maestri, G. Digital Character Animation. 1996. New Riders Publishing
Here are some other books that have useful stuff in them depending on your
- Badler, N. B. Barsky and D. Zeltzer. Making Them Move: Mechanics, Control
and Animation of Articulated Figures. 1991 Morgan Kaufmann.
- Badler, N. C. Phillips and B. Webber. Simulating Humans: Computer Graphics
Animation and Control. 1993 Oxford University Press.
- Craig, J.. Introduction to Robotics. 1989. Addison Wesley.
- Parke, F. and K. Waters. Computer Facial Animation. 1996. AK Peters.
As you will see most of the readings on Computer Graphics are taken from
various Siggraph Proceedings. Since the Proceedings are essentially the
"journal of record" for the field, you should try to get back copies for
your library. The MIT journal Presence also has a number of interesting
*Readings for each class will be available by Wednesday
of the previous week in room E15-305.*
Week 1: Introduction
Bruce's favorite video clips
Week 2: Lessons from Character Animation
Thomas, Lassiter, Maestri
Week 3: Fundamentals of Movement: Kinematics, Inverse Kinematics, and Dynamics
Craig, Watt, and Featherstone
Week 4: Making Them Move: Mixed Approaches to Articulated Figure Locomotion
Bruderlin, Sims, Girard
Week 5: Making Them Move: Physically-Based Modeling of Articulated Figures
and Motor Learning
McKenna, Terzopoulos, Sims, Baraff
Week 6: Learning to Move: Models from Motion Data
Witkin, Unuma, Rose and Cohen, van de Panne and Fiume
Week 7: Special Problems: Models for Facial Animation
Parke & Waters, Essa
Week 8: Special Problems: Facial Animation cont. Gesture and Speech
Parke & Waters, Essa, Cassell
Week 9: Special Problems: Grasping and Planning
Koga, Thalmann, Badler
Week 10: Making Them Behave : Creatures as Actors
Perlin, Bates
Week 11: Making Them Behave: Creatures as Autonomous Agents
Blumberg, Terzopoulos, Reynolds
Week 12: Making Them Behave: Integrating Models of Emotion
Reilly, Tosa
Week 13: Making Them Pay
Dogz & Catz, Quake...
Week 14:Presentation of Final Projects
All pictures are copyright
Aardman Animations.