What to look for in examples:
- How do you define the emotion? Be precise as possible.
- What features are used to convey the emotion?
- Is it the static position of the features, the quality of movement of the
features or a combination of the two? What is it about each which conveys
the emotion? Pay particular interest to how the features change over time.
- How is staging (e.g. position of camera and lights, relative position of
characters) used to heighten the expressiveness of the movement?
- Is sound/speech used? If so, how? If you turn off the sound, can you
still distinguish the emotion?
- How un-ambiguous is the emotional state of the character? Is more than
one emotion being conveyed at a given time?
- Is the reading of the expression context-free, or do you have to know
what has previously happened in order to understand the expression?
- Is there anything particularly unique about how the character expresses
the emotion?
- Could you implement it in an interactive character? What would be easy,
what would be hard?