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Assignment 3

by Seum-Lim GAN (

Adult Emotions

Chapter 16.10 (Page 172)

Marvin mentioned that Infant's early emotion signs signify their needs and adults make use of these cues to trade for various accomodations by pretending to be in a particular state of emotion, e.g. angry or pleased.

Criticism and Extention

I'll say emotion has to be real. What is real emotion, anyway ?

Real emotion reflects or tells us the true feelings of a person at a particular time.
Using emotion to get what one wants does NOT necessarily mean that the person is in that state of emotion. Very often, people make use of fake emotion to get what they want. For example, in real life, when people try to borrow something from others, they try to be nice, polite, gentle and respectful to the other person. Deep within them, they are actually getting very impatient and perhaps thinking bad things about the other person like "Hey ! You are just wasting my time ! I wish I could just punch you in the face and grab that book !".

So, true feelings or emotions are usually covered up by control and will not show up until later after a goal is achieved. Sometimes, it will not even show up and only that person himself will know, no one knows.

This may be wrong too. Why ? Because if the emotion really is real, we may be able to tell by looking at other things around the person. In this case, Marvin is right and I am wrong.

Marvin says that earliest emotions are built-in processes and they get overrulled when we grow up and get influenced by peers and culture.

Criticism and Extention

For kids, their emotions are basic : if they are frightened, they are frightened and want comfort from mommy and/or daddy, and it will not develop into something else.

In adult emotions, these earliest simple emotions are not overrulled but rather develop into many "sub-emotions". For example, from fear, a person could learn to become angry, from angry into hate. Why is this ? The reason is simple, the thing/reason that caused the fear. He becomes angry because he could not deal with that thing/reason. He then hates someone (maybe his teacher, parents or friends) because they never taught him the way to handle this problem. This is just like there are many emotion agents, each contributing to the main agent and are closely related only through the main agent.

When a person grows up, he is taught to distinguish what is positive (good intentions) or negative (bad intentions) emotions. For example, happy could be for good or bad cause. Good, maybe because he got an "A" in his examination. Bad, maybe because he got his friends into trouble. When growing up, parents are usually always the role models. Children watch how parents behave/react to many situations and they tend to follow as parents "are" always right. This is, provided that the parents are people with behaviours acceptable to their society/culture.

On the other hand, if the children has bad role models (unfortunately !), they will grow up to be people that are not accepted by their society/culture. Stealing, robbing, fighting and violence are some examples.

The fact still lies that we do not understand a person's emotion fully is because we do not have all the information we need. Even if we do, there is no way we could put them all together and predict a person's emotion.

So, in my own extention, "sub-emotions" may not be true at all simply because there may exist "crossed-emotions" or "mixed-emotions". When someone say they have mixed-feelings about something/event, it could mean just this. How do different emotions get mixed together and get shown together ? It could be that the person is uncertain whether to express this or that emotion.


For both Marvin's and my explanations to work together, we could consider that different theories be applied at different times of a person's life. Any emotion could be real if there are reasons we could look at around the person; "Sub-emotions" do happen when there is an event which is caused by a chain of many other events. Overrulled emotions may happen when someone is living in an army camp where strict dicipline is observed and emotions are not tolerated.

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