How Many Media Lab Graduate Students does it take to change a light bulb?
One to change the bulb, and four to demo the technique to sponsors
One to change the bulb, and two to make a video / web page / write a
HCI paper about how the Media Lab way of changing light bulbs is
unique and forward thinking.
It's a smart context-aware light bulb of the future that knows when
it's burned out and changes
One to buy an item that already contains a light bulb, three to take
that item apart, and two to use that bulb to replace the broken one.
One to change the bulb, and four to say: "All he did was change a light bulb".
Graduate students don't change light bulbs. That's what UROPs
are for.
Six, one to change the bulb, and four to be smug about how industry does
it in such an unprincipled way
One to change the light bulb, and three to do a web search for light
bulb changing conferences in Italy.
One to change the bulb, and two to debate if the bulb changing
technique was sufficiently general to be applied to all faulty
illumination devices.
A Media Lab grad student would create a software simulation on a
high-end graphics workstation to prove that lightbulb changing is
possible, and leave the actual implementation to industry.
One to change the bulb, and one to have the group's Admin Assist order
enough Chinese food for 20.
your answer to the HMMLGSDITTCALB joke here. I'll post the funny
ones. Include your name / email if you want credit.