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Key-Take Away
For low-pass signals, one-bit sampling via sigma-delta quantization enables to retain the input signal features in the Fourier domain via noise shaping.
Key Reference * Approximating a bandlimited function using very coarsely quantized data by Ingrid Daubechies and Ron DeVore (Annals of Mathematics, 2003)
This can further be extended to sparse signals, for instance, see:
- One-Bit Time-Resolved Imaging ( IEEE T-PAMI DOI: 10.1109/TPAMI.2020.2986950)
Function Definitions
ft = @(x) fftshift(fft(x)); K = @(x) sinc(x); % Implement Sigma Delta Quantization Routine % Self-Containted Matlab Function
function [q u] = SDQ(data);
data = data(:);
d_iter = [0 ; data]; u = zeros(1,numel(d_iter)); u(1) = 0.9;
for k = 2:numel(d_iter); q(k) = sign(u(k-1) + d_iter(k)); u(k) = u(k-1) + d_iter(k) - q(k); end
v =0; q(1) = [];
Define Low-Pass Signal
% Sampled Time Vector t = -20:0.01:20; t = t(:); % Create Exact Low-Pass Window LPF_window = K(t); LPF_F = fft(LPF_window); LPF_F(abs(LPF_F)<= 0.2.*max(abs(LPF_F)))=0; % Randomize Fourier Amplitudes Z = rand(numel(t),1) + 0i.*rand(numel(t),1); % This creates an exactly low-pass function (no spectral leakage) with % random Fourier amplitudes. F = LPF_F.*Z; f = real(ifft(F)); f = f./max(abs(f)); f = f-mean(f);
Perform One-Bit Measurements via Sigma-Delta Quantization
q = SDQ(f);
% Define Fourier Transforms via FFT
F = ft((f));
Q = ft(q);
Plot results
close all subplot(3,1,1) plot(t,f,'k') axis tight title('Input Low-Pass Signal') xlabel('Samples') ylabel('Amplitude (a.u.)') box off subplot(3,1,2) plot(t,q,'Color',[1 0 0 0.05],'LineWidth',1) title('One-Bit Samples') xlabel('Samples') ylabel('Amplitude (a.u.)') subplot(3,1,3) hold on; plot((abs(Q)),'r') plot((abs(F)),'k') axis tight xlim([1000 3000]) title('Fourier Spectrum') xlabel('Fourier Samples') ylabel('Amplitude (a.u.)') legend('Input Spectrum', 'One-Bit Spectrum')